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General Parameters

General Parameters

The fields in the following table are all used with all cloud providers, and some are used with vSphere and Preexisting as well.

The two rightmost columns indicate whether each parameter is required in every deployment or optional, and whether it must be included (when used) in either defaults.json or definitions.json, is recommended for one file or the other, or can be used in either. For example,

  • A single deployment is always on a single selected provisioning platform (even if subsequently merged with another to create a multiprovider deployment), therefore the Provider parameter is required and must be in the defaults file.

  • Each node type must be specified but a deployment can include multiple node types, thus the Role parameter is required in each definition in the definitions file.

  • Because each node that runs InterSystems IRIS must have a license, but other nodes don’t need one, the LicenseKey setting is required and generally appears in the appropriate definitions in the definitions file.

  • At least one container must be deployed on each node in the deployment, but a single container may be deployed on all the nodes (for instance iris/iris-arm64 across a sharded cluster consisting of DATA nodes only) or different containers on different node types (iris/iris-arm64 on DM and AM, webgateway on WS, arbiter on AR in a distributed cache cluster). For this reason the DockerImage parameter is required and can appear in the defaults file, the definitions file, or both (to specify a default image but override it for one or more node types).

  • Like the image to be deployed, the size of the OS volume can be specified for all nodes in the defaults file, for one or more node types in the definitions file, or in both, but because it has a default it is optional.


If no default is listed for a parameter, it does not have one.

Parameter Definition Use is ... Config file
Provider Platform to provision infrastructure on; see Provisioning Platforms. required defaults



Fields in naming scheme for provisioned cloud nodes: Label-Role-Tag-NNNN, for example ANDY-DATA-TEST-0001; should indicate ownership and purpose, to avoid conflicting with others. Multiple deployments should not share the same Label and Tag. Cannot contain dashes. required defaults
LicenseDir Location of InterSystems IRIS license keys staged in the ICM container and individually specified by the LicenseKey field (below); see InterSystems IRIS Licensing for ICM. required defaults
LicenseKey License key for the InterSystems IRIS instance on one or more provisioned DATA, COMPUTE, DM, AM, DS, or QS nodes, staged within the ICM container in the location specified by the LicenseDir field (above). In a configuration containing only DM and AM nodes, a standard license can be used; for all others (that is, sharded clusters), a sharding-enabled license is required. required definitions recommended

(Azure equivalent: Location)

Geographical region of provider’s compute resources in which infrastructure is provisioned. For information on deploying a single configuration in more than one region, see Deploying Across Multiple Regions or Providers. Provider-specific information, including provider documentation: required defaults
Zone Availability zone within the specified region (see above) in which to locate a node or nodes to be provisioned. For information on deploying a single configuration in more than one zone, see Deploying Across Multiple Zones. Provider-specific information: required defaults


When deploying across multiple zones (see Deploying Across Multiple Zones), specifies which nodes are deployed in which zones. Default: 0,1,2,...,255.

optional definitions
Mirror If true, InterSystems IRIS instances on DATA, DM, and DS nodes are deployed as mirrors; see Mirrored Configuration Requirements. Default: false. optional defaults
MirrorMap Determines mirror member types of mirrored DATA, DS, and DM nodes, enabling deployment of DR async mirror members; see Rules for Mirroring. Default: primary,backup; the term async can be added one or more times to this, for example primary,backup,async,async. optional definitions
ISCPassword Password that will be set for the predefined user accounts on the InterSystems IRIS instances on one or more provisioned nodes. Corresponding command-line option: -iscPassword. If both parameter and option are omitted, ICM prompts for the password. For more information see The icm run Command. optional defaults
Namespace Namespace to be created on deployed InterSystems IRIS instances. This namespace is the default namespace for the icm session and icm sql commands, and can also be specified or overridden by the command-line option -namespace. Default: IRISCLUSTER. optional defaults
DockerImage Docker image to be used for in deployment by icm run command. Must include the repository name (see RepositoriesOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation). Can be specified for all nodes in defaults.json and optionally overridden for specific node definitions in definitions.json. Can also be specified or overridden using the command-line option -image. required  
DockerRegistry DNS name of the server hosting the Docker repository storing the image specified by DockerImage (see About RegistryOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation). If not included, ICM uses Docker’s public registry at docker.comOpens in a new tab. For information about the InterSystems Container Registry (ICR), see Downloading the ICM Image in the “Using ICM” chapter. required defaults
DockerUsername Username to use along with DockerPassword (below) for logging in to the Docker repository specified in DockerImage (above) on the registry specified by DockerRegistry (above). Not required for public repositories. If not included and the repository specified by DockerImage is private, login fails. required defaults
DockerPassword Password to use along with DockerUsername (above) for logging in to the Docker registry. Not required for public repositories. If this field is not included and the repository specified by DockerImage is private. ICM prompts you (with masked input) for a password. (If the value of this field contains special characters such as $, |, (, and ), they must be escaped with two \ characters; for example, the password abc$def must be specified as abc\\$def.) required defaults
DockerVersion Version of Docker installed on provisioned nodes. The version in each /Samples/.../defaults.json is generally correct for the platform; however, if your organization uses a different version of Docker, you may want that version installed on the nodes instead.

Container images from InterSystems comply with the Open Container Initiative (OCIOpens in a new tab) specification, and are built using the Docker Enterprise Edition engine, which fully supports the OCI standard and allows for the images to be certifiedOpens in a new tab and featured in the Docker Hub registry.

InterSystems images are built and tested using the widely popular container Ubuntu operating system, and are therefore supported on any OCI-compliant runtime engine on Linux-based operating systems, both on premises and in public clouds.

optional defaults


URL of the Docker Enterprise Edition repository associated with your subscription or trial; when provided, triggers installation of Docker Enterprise Edition on provisioned nodes, instead of Docker Community Edition. For more information about Docker EE see Docker EnterpriseOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation.

optional defaults
DockerInit If set to False, the Docker --init option is not passed to all containers other than InterSystems IRIS containers, as it is by default. Default: true. (The --init option is never passed to InterSystems IRIS containers.) optional defaults
Overlay Determines the Docker overlay network type; normally "weave", but may be set to "host" for development, performance, or debug purposes, or when deploying on a preexisting cluster. Default: weave (host when deploying on a preexisting cluster). For more information see Use overlay networksOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation and How the Weave Net Docker Network Plugins WorkOpens in a new tab in the Weave documentation. optional defaults
DockerStorageDriver Determines the storage driver used by Docker (see Docker storage driversOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation). Values include overlay2 (the default) and btrfs. If set to overlay2, FileSystem (see below) must be set to xfs; if set to btrfs, FileSystem must be set to btrfs.. optional defaults


Type of file system to use for persistent volumes on provisioned nodes. Valid values are xfs and btrfs. Default: xfs. If DockerStorageDriver (above) is set to overlay2, FileSystem must be set to xfs; if DockerStorageDriver is btrfs, FileSystem must be btrfs.

optional defaults recommended


Size (in GB) of the OS volume for a node or nodes in the deployment. Default: 32. May be limited by or ignored in favor of settings specific to the applicable parameters specifying machine image or template, instance type, or OS volume type parameters (see Provider-Specific Parameters).






Size (in GB) of the corresponding persistent storage volume to create for iris containers. For example, DataVolumeSize determines the size of the data volume. Default: 10, although DataVolumeSize must be at least 60 for Tencent deployments. May be limited by the applicable volume type parameter (see Provider-Specific Parameters). Each volume also has a corresponding device name parameter (for example, DataDeviceName; see Device Name Parameters) and mount point parameter (for example, DataMountPoint; see immediately below and Storage Volumes Mounted by ICM). optional  





The location within iris containers at which the corresponding persistent volume is mounted. For example, DataMountPoint determines the location for the data volume. For more information, see Storage Volumes Mounted by ICM. Defaults: /irissys/{ data | wij | journal1j | journal2j }. Each volume also has a corresponding device name parameter (for example, DataDeviceName; see Device Name Parameters) and size parameter (for example, DataVolumeSize; see above).

Containerless If true, enables containerless mode, in which InterSystems IRIS is deployed from an installation kit rather than a container; see the appendix Containerless Deployment. Default: false. optional defaults
Role Role of the node or nodes to be provisioned by a given entry in the definitions file, for example DM or DATA; see ICM Node Types. required definitions
Count Number of nodes to provision from a given entry in the definitions file. Default: 1. required definitions
StartCount Numbering start for a particular node definition in the definitions file. For example, if the DS node definition includes "StartCount": "3", the first DS node provisioned is named Label-DS-Tag-0003. optional definitions
LoadBalancer If true in definitions of node type DATA, COMPUTE, AM, or WS, a predefined load balancer is automatically provisioned on providers AWS, GCP, Azure, and Tencent (see Predefined Load Balancer). If true in definitions of node type CN or VM, a generic load balancer is added if other parameters are included in the definition (see Generic Load Balancer). Default: false. optional definitions


Remote server selection algorithm for definitions of type WS (see Node Type: Web Server). Valid values are LoadBalancing and FailOver. Default: LoadBalancing.

optional definitions


Application path to create for definitions of type WS. Do not include a trailing slash.

optional definitions


InterSystems API Manager (IAM) image; no default.

optional definitions


Postgres image (optional IAM component); default: postgres:11.6.

optional definitions


Prometheus image (System Alerting and Monitoring [SAM] component); default: prom/prometheus:v2.17.1.

optional definitions


Alertmanager image (SAM component); default: prom/alertmanager:v0.20.0.

optional definitions


Grafana image (SAM component); default: grafana/grafana:6.7.1.

optional definitions


Nginx image (SAM component); default: nginx:1.17.9-alpine.

optional definitions
UserCPF Configuration merge file to be used to customize the CPFs InterSystems IRIS instances during deployment (see Deploying with Customized InterSystems IRIS Configurations). optional  
SystemMode String to be shown in the masthead of the Management PortalOpens in a new tab of the InterSystems IRIS instances on one or more provisioned nodes. Certain values (LIVE, TEST, FAILOVER, DEVELOPMENT) trigger additional changes in appearance. Default: blank. This setting can also be specified by adding [Startup]/SystemMode to the configuration merge file (see previous entry). optional  
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