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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Viewing Interface Maps

The Interface Maps utility lists all the routes (up to 16 displayed at a time) that a message can take within a production, allowing you to view related production components in a tabular format. The search criteria allow you to focus on a specific component such as finding where a routing rule or data transformation is used within the production. Each interface map represents a unique route that a message can take through the production. For example, if a business process connects to multiple business operations, multiple interface maps are shown because a message could flow to any of the business operations. Displaying interface maps is useful when:

  • Finding all components named for a particular feed in a complex production that has multiple feeds. For example, you could find all the message routes that include a business service whose name contains the word “EMR1”.

  • Visualizing message flow though a complex production.

  • Documenting a complex production to make it easier to maintain.

  • Ensuring that you have tested all possible paths when modifying a production.

To access the Interface Maps utility, select Interoperability > View > Interface Maps.

The utility displays the interface maps for the production that was most recently running. You can export the results of the interface map search into a .csv, .txt, .xml, or .html file.

Working with an Interface Map

Each interface map includes the following production components:

  • Service—Name of the business service where the message begins.

  • Process—Name of the business host called between the input and output. This is usually a business process, but can also be a business operation if it makes a call to another production component, for example, when the business operation makes a call to Ens.Alert.

  • Rule—Name of the routing rule called while processing the message.

  • Transformation—Name of the data transformation called while processing the message.

  • Operation—Name of the business host where the message stops. This is usually a business operation, but can also be a business process if it never calls a business operation, for example, when the message stops at a business process that simply stores data directly in the database.


You can double-click a column header to sort the list of interface maps by that production component.


Once you find the production route you are interested in, you can click the row in the list to view a visual representation of the route.

Exporting Interface Maps

You can use the Export button to save the interface map routes found by a search as a .csv, .txt, .xml, or .html file. This is a useful way to document a production. The extension of the filename that you specify determines the format of the exported file. An exported .csv file is tab-delimited, not comma-delimited. The export file is saved to your local machine via your browser’s downloading capability.


When the setting to auto refresh the Management Portal is disabled, you receive a message telling you to click the Refresh icon circular arrowto complete the export process. This Refresh icon is located next to the Export button.

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