Introduction to Web Services and Web Clients in InterSystems IRIS
InterSystems IRIS® data platform supports SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 (Simple Object Access Protocol). This support is easy to use, efficient, and fully compatible with the SOAP specification. This support is built into InterSystems IRIS and is available on every platform supported by InterSystems IRIS.
Introduction to InterSystems IRIS Web Services
This section introduces InterSystems IRIS web services.
Components of a Web Service
From the point of view of an application developer, an InterSystems IRIS web service consists of the following elements on an InterSystems IRIS server:
A web application definition that is configured to use CSP/ZEN options instead of REST options. The option Inbound Web Services must be enabled.
The web application definition controls the allowed authentication mechanisms, the InterSystems IRIS namespace to run the code in, custom pages to use for specific purposes, timeouts, handling of static files, and more.
One or more web service classes.
Architecturally, there are additional components:
A web server, as supported for use with InterSystems IRIS.
The Web Gateway, which acts as the intermediary between the web server and the InterSystems IRIS server or servers. The Web Gateway maintains a pool of connections to these servers.
The Web Gateway configuration includes definitions of web applications running on the InterSystems IRIS servers. These definitions enable the Web Gateway to route requests to the correct web applications on the InterSystems IRIS servers (sending the requests via the CSP server, discussed next).
The CSP Server, which is a dedicated process running on an InterSystems IRIS server that waits for requests from the Web Gateway and then handles them as needed. Each InterSystems IRIS server may run as many CSP server processes as desired (subject to limits imposed by machine type; CSP servers are not counted in license calculations).
Information Flow
To understand how an InterSystems IRIS web service works by default, it is useful to follow the events that occur when the web service receives a message it can understand: an HTTP request that includes a SOAP message.
First consider the contents of this HTTP request, which is directed to a specific URL:
HTTP headers that indicate the HTTP version, character set, and other such information.
The HTTP headers must include the SOAP action, which is a URI that indicates the intent of the SOAP HTTP request.
For SOAP 1.1, the SOAP action is included as the SOAPAction HTTP header. For SOAP 1.2, it is included within the Content-Type HTTP header.
The SOAP action is generally used to route the inbound SOAP message. For example, a firewall could use this header to appropriately filter SOAP request messages in HTTP. SOAP places no restrictions on the format or specificity of the URI or that it is resolvable.
A request line, which includes a HTTP method such as GET, POST, or HEAD. This line indicates the action to take.
The message body, which in this case is a SOAP message that contains a method call. More specifically, this SOAP message indicates the name of the method to invoke and values to use for its arguments. The message can also include a SOAP header.
Now let us examine what occurs when this request is sent:
The request is received by the web server.
Because the request is directed to a URL that ends with .cls, the web server forwards the request to the Web Gateway.
The Web Gateway examines the URL. It interprets part of this URL as the logical name of a web application. The Gateway forwards the request to the appropriate physical location (the page for the web service), within that web application.
When the web service page receives the request, it invokes its OnPage() method.
The web service checks whether the request includes an InterSystems IRIS SOAP session header and if so, resumes the appropriate SOAP session or starts a new one.
Note:This step refers to SOAP sessions as supported by InterSystems IRIS SOAP support. The SOAP specification does not define a standard for sessions. However, InterSystems IRIS SOAP support provides a proprietary InterSystems IRIS SOAP session header that you can use to maintain a session between a web client and a web service, as described here.
The web service unpacks the message, validates it, and converts all input parameters to their appropriate InterSystems IRIS representation. For each complex type, the conversion creates an object instance that represents the complex type and uses that object as input for the web method.
The SOAP action from the HTTP header is used here to determine the method and hence the request object.
When the web service unpacks the message, it creates a new request object and imports the SOAP message into that object. In this process, the web service uses a generated class (a web method handler class) that was created when you compiled the web service.
The web service executes the requested InterSystems IRIS method, packages up the reply, and constructs a SOAP response, including a SOAP header if appropriate.
The web service writes the SOAP response (an XML document) to the current output device.
The following figure shows the external parts of this flow:

Creating InterSystems IRIS Web Service Classes
In InterSystems IRIS, you can create a web service in any of the following ways:
By converting an existing class to a web service with a few small changes. You also need to modify any object classes used as arguments so that they extend %XML.AdaptorOpens in a new tab and can be packaged in SOAP messages.
By creating a new web service class from scratch.
By reading an existing WSDL document and generating a web service class and all supporting type classes.
This technique (WSDL-first development) applies if the WSDL has already been designed and it is now necessary to create a web service that complies with it.
When the class compiler compiles a web service, it generates a WSDL for the service and publishes that via your configured web server, for your convenience. This WSDL complies with Basic Profile 1.0Opens in a new tab established by the WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization).Opens in a new tab In InterSystems IRIS, the WSDL document is served dynamically at a specific URL, and it automatically reflects any changes you make to the interface of your web service class (apart from header elements added at runtime). In most cases, you can use this document to generate web clients that interoperate with the web service.
For details and important notes, see Viewing the WSDL.
Introduction to InterSystems IRIS Web Clients
This section introduces InterSystems IRIS web clients.
Components of a Web Client
From the point of view of an application developer, an InterSystems IRIS web client is similar to that of a web service. Instead of web service classes, it uses web client classes.
Information Flow
To understand how an InterSystems IRIS web client works, we follow the events that occur when a user or other agent invokes a method within the web client.
First the web client creates a SOAP message that represents the method call and its argument values.
Next it creates an HTTP request that includes the SOAP message. The HTTP request includes a request line and HTTP headers, as described earlier.
It issues the HTTP request, sending it to the appropriate URL.
It waits for the HTTP response and determines the status.
It receives the SOAP response from the web service.
It unpacks the SOAP response.
The following figure shows this flow:

Creating InterSystems IRIS Web Client Classes
In InterSystems IRIS, you create a web client by programmatically reading an existing WSDL document and generating a web client class and all supporting type classes.
The generated web client interface includes a client class that contains a proxy method for each method defined by the web service. Each proxy uses the same signature used by the corresponding web service method. The interface also includes classes to define any XML types needed as input or output for the methods.

Typically you do not customize the generated classes. You instead create additional classes that control the behavior of your web client and invoke its proxy methods.
Additional Features
You can add the following features to your InterSystems IRIS web services and web clients:
Session support. As noted earlier, although the SOAP specification does not define a standard for sessions, with InterSystems IRIS, you can create client-server SOAP sessions.
Custom SOAP headers (including WS-Addressing headers), custom SOAP message bodies, and custom SOAP faults.
MIME attachments.
Use of MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism).
Authentication (user login) between a web client and a web service, as well as key parts of the WS-Security standard.
Policies, which can control how the service or client do the following:
Specify the WS-Security header elements to use or to require.
Specify the use of MTOM.
Specify the use of WS-Addressing.
Options to fine-tune the generated WSDL document to meet most format requirements.
Use of transport other than HTTP between the web client and web service.
For details on supported standards, see the next section.
SOAP Standards
This section lists the basic standards and WSDL support details for InterSystems IRIS web services and web clients.
Also see XML Standards and SOAP Security Standards.
Basic Standards
InterSystems IRIS web services and clients support the following basic standards:
SOAP 1.1 (see in a new tab), including encoded format.
SOAP 1.2, including encoded format as specified in section 3 SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts ( in a new tab).
MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) 1.0 ( in a new tab).
WSDL 1.1. InterSystems IRIS web services produce WSDL documents that comply with the Basic Profile 1.0 established by the WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization).Opens in a new tab However, InterSystems IRIS web clients do work for more general WSDL documents.
UDDI version 1.0 with client access only (no repository provided). See in a new tab
Attachments handled as a multipart/related MIME message according to the SOAP with Attachments specification ( in a new tab).
SOAP with Attachments is supported for SOAP 1.2 and SOAP 1.1.
Transport via HTTP 1.1 or HTTP 1.0.
Output from the web client is supported only in UTF-8.
WSDL Support in InterSystems IRIS
InterSystems IRIS does not support all possible WSDL documents. More flexibility is provided on the client side, because it is frequently necessary to create web clients that work with specific WSDLs that cannot be changed. This section discusses the details of the support.
Generated WSDL Documents
The WSDL documents generated by InterSystems IRIS web services do not include headers. Also, the web services that you can create in InterSystems IRIS do not reflect all possible variations.
Note that the SOAP specifications do not require a web service to generate a WSDL at all.
Consuming WSDLs
InterSystems IRIS cannot process all possible WSDL documents. In particular:
It does not support the <fault> element. That is, if you include a <fault> element within the <operation> element of the binding, the <fault> element is ignored.
For the response messages, one of the following must be true:
Each response message must be in the same namespace as the corresponding request message.
The response messages must all be in the same namespace as each other (which can be different from the namespaces used by request messages).
InterSystems IRIS does not process headers of the WSDL.
InterSystems IRIS does allow the use of the MIME binding in a WSDL ( in a new tab). The MIME parts are ignored and the remainder of the WSDL is processed. When you create a web service or client based on a WSDL that contains MIME binding, you must add explicit ObjectScript code to support the MIME attachments; this task is beyond the scope of this documentation.
Key Points about the SAX Parser
The InterSystems IRIS SAX parser is used whenever InterSystems IRIS receives a SOAP message. It is useful to know its default behavior. Among other tasks, the parser does the following:
It verifies whether the XML document is well-formed.
It attempts to validate the document, using the given schema or DTD.
Here it is useful to remember that a schema can contain <import> and <include> elements that refer to other schemas. For example:
<xsd:import namespace="target-namespace-of-the-importing-schema" schemaLocation="uri-of-the-schema"/> <xsd:include schemaLocation="uri-of-the-schema"/>
The validation fails unless these other schemas are available to the parser. Especially with WSDL documents, it is sometimes necessary to download all the schemas and edit the primary schema to use the corrected locations.
It attempts to resolve all entities, including all external entities. (Other XML parsers do this as well.) This process can be time-consuming, depending on their locations. In particular, Xerces uses a network accessor to resolve some URLs, and the implementation uses blocking I/O. Consequently, there is no timeout and network fetches can hang in error conditions, which have been rare in practice.
If needed, you can create custom entity resolvers; see Customizing How the SAX Parser Is Used.