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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Setup Types

During installation, you can choose which components of InterSystems IRIS you would like to install. The options are:

Setup Types

  • Development — Includes the InterSystems IRIS Database Engine (User Database, Language Gateways, Server Monitoring Tools), Web Gateway, all supported language bindings, and database drivers. Select this option if you plan to use this instance to perform both client and server tasks.

  • Server — Includes InterSystems IRIS Database Engine (User database, Language Gateways, Server monitoring tools) and Web Gateway. Select this option if you plan to use this instance as an InterSystems IRIS database server which can be accessed by InterSystems IRIS clients.

  • Custom — Allows user to specify specific components to install or uninstall. Select this option if you plan to install or remove specific InterSystems IRIS components.

On Windows, you can choose from these two additional setup types:

  • Client — Includes ODBC and JDBC drivers and the InterSystems IRIS Application Development components. Select this option if you plan to use this instance as a client to an InterSystems IRIS database server on this or another computer.

  • Web Server — Includes Web Gateway. Select this option if you want to install only those parts of InterSystems IRIS that are required for the Web Gateway.

The following table identifies which components are installed for each setup type. When performing a custom installation, you may include only individual components from a group.

Components Installed by Setup Type
Component Group Components Development Server Client Web
InterSystems IRIS Database Engine (InterSystems IRIS Server)

Server Monitoring Tools

User database

Language Gateways

Agent Service (ISCAgent)

Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)

InterSystems IntegratedML



InterSystems IRIS launcher (on Windows only)  




Database Drivers

ODBC Driver

Java Database Connectivity




InterSystems IRIS Application Development

Java Binding for InterSystems IRIS

InterSystems IRIS shared library support

.NET Binding for InterSystems IRIS

Threaded Server Libraries

Other Samples


Web Gateway

Web Gateway binaries for IIS

Web Gateway binaries for Apache 2.4.x





Preexisting CSP Gateway

If the CSP Gateway is already installed on your system when you install the Web Gateway, the installer automatically upgrades the CSP Gateway to the Web Gateway. However, the installer creates a new copy of the CSP.ini file. To preserve the CSP.ini file from the CSP Gateway, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a backup of the CSP.ini file, located in install-dir/CSP/bin.

  2. Execute the Web Gateway installer.

  3. Restore the backup of CSP.ini.


Installing the Web Gateway does not close any old connections. To remove these old connections, you must manually close them from the System Status page.

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