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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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Changing the InterSystems IRIS Language

When you install InterSystems IRIS, all supported language-specific utility DLLs are installed in the install-dir\bin directory. Each DLL contains localized strings and messages.

The format of the name of the DLL is UTILaaa.DLL, where aaa is a 3-letter code that signifies the following languages:

Code Language
CHS Chinese (Simplified)
DEU German (Standard)
ENU English (United States)
ESP Spanish (Spain)
FRA French
ITA Italian (Standard)
JPN Japanese
KOR Korean
NLD Dutch (Standard)
PTB Portuguese (Brazilian)
RUS Russian

For information about changing the locale of an InterSystems IRIS installation, see Using the NLS Settings Page of the Management Portal in the “Configuring InterSystems IRIS” chapter of the InterSystems IRIS System Administration Guide.


You can change only among 8-bit locales or Unicode locales, not from 8-bit to Unicode or vice versa. See the %SYS.NLS entry in the InterSystems Class Reference for more information.

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