Native SDK for Node.js Quick Reference
This is a quick reference for the InterSystems IRIS Native SDK for Node.js, providing information on the following classes:
Module intersystems-iris
intersystems-iris createConnection() — creates an instance of Connection.
Class Connection connects an Iris instance to the database.
Class Iris is the main entry point for the Native SDK
Class IRISObject provides methods for External Server inverse proxy objects.
Class Iterator provides methods to navigate a global array.
Many Native SDK methods have built-in support for typecasting. Each of these classes has a generic method that returns a default value, plus a set of typecast methods that work exactly like the generic method but also cast the return value to a supported datatype: boolean, Bytes (an ArrayBuffer), number (plus casts to Integer, Float, and Decimal), string, Object, and IRISList. For example, Iris.get() has corresponding typecast methods getBoolean(), getBytes(), and so forth.
To avoid lengthening this quick reference with dozens of nearly identical listings, all typecast methods are listed collectively after the generic version (for example, Iris.get() is followed by a section listing “Iris.get() Typecast Methods”).
Sets of typecast methods are available for Iris.classMethodValue(), Iris.get(), IRISObject.get(), and IRISObject.invoke().
Module intersystems-iris createConnection()
intersystems-iris createConnection() returns a new Connection object and attempts to create a new connection to the database. The object will be open if the connection was successful. Throws an exception if a connection cannot be established.
(static) createConnection(connectionInfo) → {"intersystems-iris".Connection}
The host, port, ns, timeout, and logfile from the last successful connection attempt are saved as properties of the connection object.
connectionInfo — Object containing connection properties. Valid properties are:
host — (required) string containing the address of the host machine
port — (required) integer specifying the port number
ns — (required) string specifying the database namespace
user — string specifying the user name
pwd — string specifying the password
sharedmemory — boolean indicating whether to use shared memory if available (default is true). Specify False to force a connection over TCP/IP.
timeout — integer specifying the number of milliseconds to wait before the connection attempt times out (default is 10000).
logfile — string specifying the full path and name of a log file for this connection. If not specified, no log file will be written.
sslcontext — path to the file that contains the sslcontext configuration required for a secure connection.
The following property can be used in place of the host, port, and ns properties:
connectionstr — string of the form host:port/ns
Creating a Connection in Node.js
The following code fragment defines all properties of connectionInfo and creates an instance of Connection named conn. The host, port, ns, timeout, and logfile from the last successful connection attempt are saved as properties of the connection object.
const IRISNative = require('intersystems-iris')
let connectionInfo = {
host: '',
port: 51773,
ns: 'USER',
user: '_SYSTEM',
pwd: 'SYS',
sharedmemory: true
timeout: 5,
logfile: 'C:\temp\mylogfile.log'
const conn = IRISNative.createConnection(connectionInfo);
irisjs = conn.createIRIS()
The conn object is used to create an instance of class Iris named irisjs. Most examples in this document will assume that a connected instance of irisjs already exists.
Class Connection
The Connection class encapsulates a connection to the server. Instances of Connection are created and connected to the server by intersystems-iris method createConnection(). The hostname, port, namespace, timeout, and logfile from the last successful connection attempt are saved as properties of the connection object. See the previous section (“Module intersystems-iris createConnection()”) for details and examples.
Class Connection Method Details
Connection.close() closes the connection if it is open. Does nothing if the connection is already closed.
Connection.createIris() returns a new instance of Iris that uses this Connection. Throws an exception if the connection is closed.
createIris() → {"intersystems-iris".Iris}
Connection.isClosed() returns True if the connection was successful, or False otherwise.
isClosed() → {boolean}
Class Iris
To use the Native SDK, your application must create an instance of Iris with a connection to the database. Instances of Iris are created by calling Connection.createIris().
Class Iris Method Details
Iris.classMethodValue() calls a class method, passing zero or more arguments and returns the value as a type corresponding to the datatype of the ObjectScript return value. See “Calling Class Methods from Node.js” for details and examples.
This method has a corresponding set of typecast methods (listed below).
classMethodValue(className, methodName, ...args) → {any}
className — fully qualified name of the class to which the called method belongs.
methodName — name of the class method.
...arguments — zero or more method arguments of supported types. Number, string, and IRISList return values are projected as literals. All other values are projected as proxy objects.
This method has a corresponding set of typecast methods (listed below). Also see classMethodVoid(), which is used to call methods that do not return a value.
All of the Iris.classMethodValue() typecast methods listed below work exactly like Iris.classMethodValue(), but also cast the return value to a specific type. See “Calling Class Methods from Node.js” for details and examples.
classMethodBoolean(className, methodName, ...args) → {boolean}
classMethodBytes(className, methodName, ...args) → {Buffer}
classMethodDecimal(className, methodName, ...args) → {Decimal}
classMethodFloat(className, methodName, ...args) → {number}
classMethodInteger(className, methodName, ...args) → {number}
classMethodIRISList(className, methodName, ...args) → {IRISList}
classMethodNumber(className, methodName, ...args) → {number}
classMethodObject(className, methodName, ...args) → {any}
classMethodString(className, methodName, ...args) → {string}
className — fully qualified name of the class to which the called method belongs.
methodName — name of the class method.
...args — zero or more method arguments of supported types. Number, string, and IRISList return values are projected as literals. All other values are projected as proxy objects.
Iris.classMethodVoid() calls an ObjectScript class method with no return value, passing zero or more arguments. See “Calling Class Methods from Node.js” for details and examples.
classMethodVoid(className, methodName, ...args)
className — fully qualified name of the class to which the called method belongs.
methodName — name of the class method.
...args — zero or more method arguments of supported types. Number, string, and IRISList return values are projected as literals. All other values are projected as proxy objects.
This method assumes that there will be no return value, but can be used to call any class method. If you use classMethodVoid() to call a method that returns a value, the method will be executed but the return value will be ignored. Also see Iris.classMethodValue().
Iris.close() closes the Iris object.
Iris.get() returns the value of the global node as a type corresponding to the ObjectScript datatype of the property.
This method has a corresponding set of typecast methods (listed below).
get(globalName, ...subscripts) → {any}
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
All of the Iris.get() typecast methods listed below work exactly like Iris.get(), but also cast the return value to a specific type.
getBoolean(globalName, ...subscripts) → {boolean}
getBytes(globalName, ...subscripts) → {ArrayBuffer}
getDecimal(globalName, ...subscripts) → {Decimal}
getFloat(globalName, ...subscripts) → {number}
getInteger(globalName, ...subscripts) → {number}
getList(globalName, ...subscripts) → {IRISList}
getIRISList(globalName, ...subscripts) → {IRISList}
getNumber(globalName, ...subscripts) → {number}
getObject(globalName, ...subscripts) → {any}
getString(globalName, subscripts) → {string}
The getList() method is retained for backward compatibility. It is identical to getIRISList(), which should be preferred.
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.getAPIVersion() returns the version string for this version of the Native SDK. Also see getServerVersion().
getAPIVersion() → {string}
Iris.getServerVersion() returns the version string for the currently connected InterSystems IRIS server. Also see getAPIVersion().
getServerVersion() → {string}
Iris.getTLevel() returns the number of nested transactions currently open in the session (1 if the current transaction is not nested, and 0 if there are no transactions open). This is equivalent to fetching the value of the ObjectScript $TLEVEL special variable. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
getTLevel() → {number}
Iris.increment() increments the global node with the incrementBy argument and returns the new value of the global node. If there is no existing node at the specified address, a new node is created with the specified value. This method uses a very fast, thread-safe atomic operation to change the value of the node, so the node is never locked. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
increment(incrementBy, globalName, ...subscripts) → {number}
incrementBy — numeric value to which to set this node (null value sets global to 0, decimal value will be truncated to an integer).
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Common usage for $INCREMENT is to increment a counter before adding a new entry to a database. $INCREMENT provides a way to do this very quickly, avoiding the use of the LOCK command. See “$INCREMENT and Transaction Processing” in the ObjectScript Reference.
Iris.isDefined() returns a value that indicates whether a node has a value, a child node, or both.
isDefined(globalName, ...subscripts) → {number}
Returns one of the following integer values:
0 if the node does not exist.
1 if the node has a value but no child nodes.
10 if the node is valueless but has one or more child nodes.
11 if the node has a both a value and child nodes.
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.iterator() returns an Iterator object for the specified node (see "Class Iterator").
iterator(globalName, ...subscripts) → {"intersystems-iris".Iterator}
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.kill() deletes the specified global node and all of its subnodes. If there is no node at the specified address, the command will do nothing. It will not throw an <UNDEFINED> exception.
kill(globalName, ...subscripts)
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.lock() locks the global. This method performs an incremental lock (you must call the releaseAllLocks() method first if you want to unlock all prior locks). Throws a <TIMEOUT> exception if the timeout value is reached waiting to acquire the lock. See “Concurrency Control with Node.js” for more information.
lock(lockType, timeout, lockReference, ...subscript) → {boolean}
lockType — one of the following strings: "S" for shared lock, "E" for escalating lock, "SE" for both, or "" for neither. An empty string is the default mode (unshared and non-escalating).
timeout — number of seconds to wait to acquire the lock
lockReference — a string starting with a circumflex (^) followed by the global name (for example, ^myGlobal, not just myGlobal).
NOTE: Unlike the globalName parameter used by most methods, the lockReference parameter must be prefixed by a circumflex. Only lock() and unlock() use lockReference instead of globalName.
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
See “LOCK” in the ObjectScript Reference for detailed information on locks.
Iris.nextSubscript() accepts a node address and returns the subscript of the next sibling node in collation order. This method is similar to $ORDER in ObjectScript.
nextSubscript(reversed,globalName, ...subscript) → {null|string}
reversed — boolean true indicates that nodes should be traversed in reverse collation order.
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.releaseAllLocks() releases all locks associated with the session. See “Concurrency Control with Node.js” for more information.
Iris.set() assigns value as the current node value. The new value may be bool, bytes, bytearray, Decimal, float, int, str, or IRISList.
set(value, globalName, ...subscript)
value — new value of the global node
globalName — global name
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Iris.tCommit() commits the current transaction. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
tCommit ()
Iris.tRollback() rolls back all open transactions in the session. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
tRollback ()
Iris.tRollbackOne() rolls back the current level transaction only. This is intended for nested transactions, when the caller only wants to roll back one level. If this is a nested transaction, any higher-level transactions will not be rolled back. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
tRollbackOne ()
Iris.tStart() starts or opens a transaction. See “Processing Transactions in Node.js” for details and examples.
tStart ()
Iris.unlock() decrements the lock count on the specified lock, and unlocks it if the lock count is 0. To remove a shared or escalating lock, you must specify the appropriate lockMode ("S" for shared, "E" for escalating lock). See “Concurrency Control with Node.js” for more information.
unlock(lockMode, lockReference, ...subscript)
lockMode — one of the following strings: "S" for shared lock, "E" for escalating lock, "SE" for both, or "" for neither. An empty string is the default mode (unshared and non-escalating).
lockReference — a string starting with a circumflex (^) followed by the global name (for example, ^myGlobal, not just myGlobal).
NOTE: Unlike the globalName parameter used by most methods, the lock_reference parameter must be prefixed by a circumflex. Only lock() and unlock() use lockReference instead of globalName.
subscripts — zero or more subscripts specifying the target node
Class IRISObject
FROM V2, 2022-08-24 tutorial-quick_start.htm:
The IRISObject class represents a proxy object created on behalf of IRISdb object. IRISObjects are created when a function/method returns an IRISdb object, at which point the proxy gets instantiated.
Class IRISObject provides methods to work with External Server inverse proxy objects (see “Using Node.js Inverse Proxy Objects” for details and examples).
If the called method returns an object that is a valid OREF, an inverse proxy object (an instance of IRISObject) for the referenced object will be generated and returned. For example, classMethodObject() will return a proxy object for an object created by %New(). also true of classMethodValue????
IRISObject Constructor
The IRISObject constructor takes the following parameters:
IRISObject(connection, oref)
connection — a Connection object
oref — the OREF of the database object to be controlled.
IRISObject Method Details
IRISObject.close() releases this instance of IRISObject.
IRISObject.get() fetches a property value of the proxy object.
This method has a corresponding set of typecast methods (listed below).
get(propertyName) → {null|any}
propertyName — name of the property to be returned.
All of the IRISObject.get() typecast methods listed below work exactly like IRISObject.get(), but also cast the return value to a specific type. They return null if the property does not exist.
getBoolean(propertyName) → {null|boolean}
getBuffer(propertyName) → {null|Buffer}
getDecimal(propertyName) → {null|Decimal}
getFloat(propertyName) → {null|number}
getInteger(propertyName) → {null|number}
getIRISList(propertyName) → {null|IRISList}
getNumber(propertyName) → {null|number}
getObject(propertyName) → {null|any}
getString(propertyName) → {null|string}
propertyName — name of the property to be returned.
IRISObject.invoke() invokes an instance method of the object, returning a variable of a type corresponding to the ObjectScript datatype of the property.
This method has a corresponding set of typecast methods (listed below).
invoke(methodName, ...arguments) → {any}
methodName — name of the instance method to be called.
...arguments — zero or more arguments of supported types.
Also see invokeVoid(), which is used to invoke methods that do not return a value.
All of the IRISObject.invoke() typecast methods listed below work exactly like IRISObject.invoke(), but also cast the return value to a specific type.
invokeBoolean(methodName, ...arguments) → {boolean}
invokeBytes(methodName, ...arguments) → {Buffer}
invokeDecimal(methodName, ...arguments) → {Decimal}
invokeFloat(methodName, ...arguments) → {number}
invokeInteger(methodName, ...arguments) → {integer
invokeIRISList(methodName, ...arguments) → {IRISList}
invokeNumber(methodName, ...arguments) → {number}
invokeObject(methodName, ...arguments) → {any}
invokeString(methodName, ...arguments) → {string}
methodName — name of the instance method to be called.
...arguments — zero or more arguments of supported types.
IRISObject.invokeVoid() invokes an instance method of the object, but does not return a value.
invokeVoid(methodName, ...arguments)
methodName — name of the instance method to be called.
...arguments — zero or more arguments of supported types.
IRISObject.set() sets a property of the proxy object.
set (propertyName, propertyValue)
propertyName — name of the property to which value will be assigned.
propertyValue — new value of the property. Value can be any supported type.
Class Iterator
Class Iterator is a member of external:"intersystems-iris-native". Instances of Iterator are created by calling Iris.iterator(). See “Finding Nodes in a Global Array” for more details and examples. positions the iterator at the next sibling node in collation order and returns an object containing done and value properties. If the iterator is at end then done is true, otherwise it is false.
next() → {any}
When done is false, the return type of the value property can be set by any of the following methods:
Iterator.startFrom() sets the iterator's starting position to the specified subscript. The starting position does not have to be a valid subnode. Returns this for chaining.
startFrom(subscript) → {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
subscript — the subscript to use as a starting point. Does not have to specify an existing node.
The iterator will not point to a node until you call next() to advance to the next existing node in collating order.
Iterator.reversed() toggles iteration direction between forward and reverse collation order. By default, the iterator is set to forward iteration when it is defined. Returns this for chaining.
reversed() → {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
Iterator.entries() specifies that next().value should be an array containing the node subscript (value(0)) and node value (value(1)). Returns this for chaining.
entries() → {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
Iterator.keys() specifies that next().value should contain only the node subscript (key). Returns this for chaining.
keys() → {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
Iterator.values() specifies that next().value should contain only the node value. Returns this for chaining.
values() → {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}