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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2024.3
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TLS (Tools/APIs)

Use TLS to communicate securely; obtain information about TLS connection in use.

Background Information

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide communication security over the Internet. (InterSystems sometimes uses the term SSL/TLS to refer to TLS.)

Available Tools

SSL/TLS configurations

InterSystems IRIS® data platform supports the ability to store a TLS configuration and specify an associated name. When you need a TLS connection (for HTTP communications, for example), you provide the applicable configuration name, and InterSystems IRIS automatically handles the TLS connection.

See InterSystems TLS Guide.

Configurations are stored in the Security.SSLConfigsOpens in a new tab class, which provides an object-based API; this class cannot be accessed via SQL.

Availability: All namespaces.

Provides methods that you can use to get information about the TLS connection in use on the principal device, if any. These methods include:

  • SSLGetCipher()

  • SSLGetCipherList()

  • SSLGetLastError()

  • SSLGetPeerCertificate()

  • SSLGetPeerName()

  • SSLGetProtocol()

  • SSLPeekClientHello()

Availability: All namespaces.


The special variable $SYSTEM is bound to the %SYSTEM package. This means that instead of ##class(%SYSTEM.class).method(), you can use $SYSTEM.class.method().

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