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Query Method Parameters

Query Method Parameters

The following parameters are common to many query methods:

  • domainid: The domain ID is an integer that identifies the domain.

  • result: If a query returns an array of values rather than just a single result value, the result set is passed by reference (using the dot prefix operator, for example, .result). You can then use ZWRITE to display the whole result set in raw InterSystems IRIS list format, or use a loop structure and list-to-string conversion to return one row at a time, as shown in the examples in this chapter.

  • page and pagesize (optional): To prevent methods from retrieving and returning thousands of records, the Query API uses a paging mechanism to allow the user to limit the number of results returned. It divides the results into equal-length pages, with the length of each page specified as the pagesize. For example, if you want the first ten results, you specify page 1 and a pagesize of 10. If you want the next page of results, you specify page 2 and pagesize 10. The default values are page=1 and pagesize=10.

  • setop (optional): If a query applies more than one selection criteria, the Setop logical operator specifies whether the query should return the union or the intersection of the result sets. 1 ($$$UNION) returns results that match any of the supplied selection criteria. 2 ($$$INTERSECT) returns results that match all of the supplied selection criteria. The default is $$$UNION.

  • entitylist: In queries that return matches to an entity (for example, GetByEntities(), GetRelated(), GetSimilar()) an InterSystems IRIS list of entities. You can specify entitylist entities in any mix of uppercase and lowercase letters; NLP matches them against indexed entities normalized to lowercase.

  • vSrcId: The source Id of a virtual source, specified as a negative integer. If specified, only entities in that virtual source are processed by the query. If omitted or specified as 0, only ordinary sources are considered by the query and virtual sources are ignored. The default is 0.

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