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Counting Sources and Sentences

Counting Sources and Sentences

To count the number of sources loaded, you can use the GetCountByDomain()Opens in a new tab method of the %iKnow.Queries.SourceAPIOpens in a new tab class.

To count the sentences in all of the sources loaded, you can use the GetCountByDomain()Opens in a new tab method of the %iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPIOpens in a new tab class. To count the sentences in a single source, you can use the GetCountBySource()Opens in a new tab method.

The following example uses data loaded from .txt files (such as source1.txt, source2.txt, etc.) in the mytextfiles directory to demonstrate these sentence count methods. The default Configuration is used:

  SET dname="mydomain"
  IF (##class(%iKnow.Domain).NameIndexExists(dname))
      { SET domoref=##class(%iKnow.Domain).NameIndexOpen(dname)
        GOTO DeleteOldData }
     { SET domoref=##class(%iKnow.Domain).%New(dname)
       DO domoref.%Save()
       GOTO ListerAndLoader }
  SET stat=domoref.DropData()
  IF stat { GOTO ListerAndLoader }
  ELSE    { WRITE "DropData error ",$System.Status.DisplayError(stat)
  SET domId=domoref.Id
  SET mylister=##class(%iKnow.Source.File.Lister).%New(domId)
  SET myloader=##class(%iKnow.Source.Loader).%New(domId)
  SET stat=myloader.SetLister(mylister)
  SET install=$SYSTEM.Util.DataDirectory()
  SET dirpath=install_"mgr\Temp\iknow\mytextfiles"
  SET stat=myloader.ProcessList(dirpath,$LB("txt"),0,"")
  IF stat '= 1 { WRITE "Loader error ",$System.Status.DisplayError(stat)
                     QUIT }
  SET numSrcD=##class(%iKnow.Queries.SourceAPI).GetCountByDomain(domId)
  WRITE "The domain contains ",numSrcD," sources",!
  SET numSentD=##class(%iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPI).GetCountByDomain(domId)
  WRITE "These sources contain ",numSentD," sentences",!!
  DO ##class(%iKnow.Queries.SourceAPI).GetByDomain(.result,domId,1,20)
  SET i=1
  WHILE $DATA(result(i)) {
     SET extId = $LISTGET(result(i),2)
     SET fullref = $PIECE(extId,":",3,4)
     SET fname = $PIECE(fullref,"\",$LENGTH(extId,"\"))
     SET numSentS = ##class(%iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPI).GetCountBySource(domId,result(i))
     WRITE fname," has ",numSentS," sentences",!
     SET i=i+1 }

The following example uses data loaded from a field of the Aviation.Event SQL table to demonstrate these sentence count methods. In this example only a sample of 10 data records (TOP 10) are loaded:

  SET dname="mydomain"
  IF (##class(%iKnow.Domain).NameIndexExists(dname))
     { WRITE "The ",dname," domain already exists",!
       SET domoref=##class(%iKnow.Domain).NameIndexOpen(dname)
       GOTO DeleteOldData }
     { WRITE "The ",dname," domain does not exist",!
       SET domoref=##class(%iKnow.Domain).%New(dname)
       DO domoref.%Save()
       WRITE "Created the ",dname," domain with domain ID ",domoref.Id,!
       GOTO ListerAndLoader }
  SET stat=domoref.DropData()
  IF stat { WRITE "Deleted the data from the ",dname," domain",!!
            GOTO ListerAndLoader }
  ELSE    { WRITE "DropData error ",$System.Status.DisplayError(stat)
  SET domId=domoref.Id
  SET flister=##class(%iKnow.Source.SQL.Lister).%New(domId)
  SET myloader=##class(%iKnow.Source.Loader).%New(domId)
   SET myquery="SELECT Top 10 ID AS UniqueVal,Type,NarrativeFull FROM Aviation.Event"
   SET idfld="UniqueVal"
   SET grpfld="Type"
   SET dataflds=$LB("NarrativeFull")
  SET stat=flister.AddListToBatch(myquery,idfld,grpfld,dataflds)
      IF stat '= 1 {WRITE "The lister failed: ",$System.Status.DisplayError(stat) QUIT }
  SET stat=myloader.ProcessBatch()
      IF stat '= 1 {WRITE "The loader failed: ",$System.Status.DisplayError(stat) QUIT }
  SET numSrcD=##class(%iKnow.Queries.SourceQAPI).GetCountByDomain(domId)
  WRITE "The domain contains ",numSrcD," sources",!
  SET numSentD=##class(%iKnow.Queries.SentenceQAPI).GetCountByDomain(domId)
  WRITE "These sources contain ",numSentD," sentences",!!
  DO ##class(%iKnow.Queries.SourceAPI).GetByDomain(.result,domId,1,20)
  SET i=1
  WHILE $DATA(result(i)) {
     SET extId = $LISTGET(result(i),2)
     SET fullref = $PIECE(extId,":",3,4)
     SET fname = $PIECE(fullref,"\",$LENGTH(extId,"\"))
     SET numSentS = ##class(%iKnow.Queries.SentenceAPI).GetCountBySource(domId,result(i))
     WRITE fname," has ",numSentS," sentences",!
     SET i=i+1 }

For details on what NLP considers a sentence, refer to the Logical Text Units Identified by NLP section of the “Conceptual Overview” chapter.

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