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Logical Text Units Identified by NLP

Logical Text Units Identified by NLP


NLP uses a language model to divide the source text into sentences. In general, NLP defines a sentence as a unit of text ending with a sentence terminator (usually a punctuation mark) followed by at least one space or line return. The next sentence begins with the next non-whitespace character. Capitalization is not required to indicate the beginning of a sentence.

Sentence terminators are (for most languages) the period (.), question mark (?), exclamation mark (!), and semi-colon (;). A sentence can be terminated by more than one terminator, such as ellipsis (...) or emphatic punctuation (??? or !!!). Any combination of terminators is permitted (...!?). A blank space between sentence terminators indicates a new sentence; therefore, an ellipsis containing spaces (. . .) is actually three sentences. A sentence terminator must be followed by either a whitespace character (space, tab, or line return), or by a single quote or double quote character, followed by a whitespace character. For example, "Why?" he asked. is two sentences, but "Why?", he asked. is a single sentence.

A double line return acts as a sentence terminator with or without a sentence terminator character. Therefore, a title or a section heading is considered to be a separate sentence, if followed by a blank line. The end of the file is also treated as a sentence terminator. Therefore, if a source contains any content at all (other than whitespace) it contains at least one sentence, regardless of the presence of a sentence terminator. Similarly, the last text in a file is treated as a separate sentence, regardless of the presence of a sentence terminator.

A period followed by a blank space usually indicates a sentence break, though NLP language models recognize exceptions to this rule. For example, the English language model recognizes common abbreviations, such as “Dr.” and “Mr.” (not case-sensitive) and removes the period rather than performing a sentence break. The English language model recognizes “No.” as an abbreviation, but treats lowercase “no.” as a sentence terminator.

You can use the UserDictionary option of your Configuration to cause or avoid sentence endings in specific cases. For example, the abbreviation “Fr.” (Father or Friar) is not recognized by the English language model. It is treated as a sentence break. You can use a UserDictionary to either remove the period or to specify that this use of a period should not cause a sentence break. A UserDictionary is applied as a source is loaded; already loaded sources are not affected.


An entity is a minimal logical unit of text. It is either a word or a group of words that NLP logically groups together into either a concept or a relation. Other logical units, such as a telephone number or an email address, are also considered entities (and are treated as concepts).


Japanese text cannot be divided into concepts and relations. Instead NLP analyzes Japanese text as a sequence of entities with associated particles. The definition of an “entity” for Japanese is roughly equivalent to a Concept in other NLP languages. For a description of NLP Japanese support (written in Japanese) refer to NLP JapaneseOpens in a new tab.

NLP normalizes entities so that they may be compared and counted. It removes non-relevant words. It translates entities into lower case letters. It removes most punctuation and some special characters from entities.

By default, NLP restricts its analysis of entities to Concepts. By default, Relations are only analyzed because of their role in linking Concepts together. This default can be overridden, as described in the “Limiting by Position” section of the NLP Queries chapter.

Path-relevant Words

NLP identifies certain words in each language as being an essential part of its analysis of sentences and paths, but otherwise not relevant. Outside of the context of a sentence or path, these words have little informational content. The following are typical path-relevant words:

  • Pronouns of all types: definite, indefinite, possessive.

  • Indefinite expressions of time, frequency, or place. For example, “then”, “soon”, “later”, “sometimes”, “all”, “here”.

Path-relevant words are not considered Concepts, nor are they counted in frequency or dominance calculations. Path-relevant words may be negation or time attribute markers. For example, ”none”, nothing”, “nowhere”, “nobody”. Path-relevant words are not stemmed.

Non-relevant Words

NLP identifies certain words in each language as being non-relevant, and excludes these words from NLP indexing. There are several kinds of non-relevant words:

  • Articles (such as “the” and “a”) and other words that the NLP language model identifies as having little or no semantic importance.

  • Prefatory words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence, such as “And”, “Nevertheless”, “However”, “On the other hand”.

  • Character strings over 150 characters that are unbroken by spaces or sentence punctuation. A “word” of this length is highly likely to be a non-text entity, and is thus excluded from NLP indexing. Because in rare cases (such as chemical nomenclature or URL strings) these 150+ character words are semantically relevant, NLP flags them with the attribute “nonsemantic”.

Non-relevant words are excluded from NLP indexing, but are preserved when sentences are displayed.

CRCs and CCs

Once NLP divides a sentence into Concepts (C) and Relations (R), it can determine several types of connections between these fundamental entities.

  • CRC is a Concept-Relation-Concept sequence. A CRC is handled as a Head Concept - Relation - qConcept sequence. Whether an entity is a Head, Relation, or Tail is known as its position. In some cases, a CRC may have an empty string value for one of the sequence members (CR or RC); this can occur, for example, when the Relation of the CRC is an intransitive verb: “Robert slept.”

  • CC is a Concept + Concept pair. NLP retains the position of each Concept, but ignores the Relation between the two Concepts. A CC can either be handled as two associated Concepts, or as a Head Concept/Tail Concept sequence. You can use CC pairs to identify associated Concepts without regard to their head/tail positions or the linking Relation. This is especially useful when determining a network of Concepts — what Concepts have a connection to what other Concepts. You can also use CC pairs as a head/tail sequence.


Japanese cannot be analyzed semantically in terms of CRCs or CCs because NLP does not divide Japanese entities into concepts and relations.


A Path is a meaningful sequence of Entities through a sentence. In Western languages, Paths are commonly based on sequential CRCs, thus resulting Paths have the entities (Concepts & Relations) in their original sentence order. Commonly, though not exclusively, this takes the form of a continuous sequence of CRCs. For example, in a common path sequence the Tail Concept of one CRC becomes the Head Concept of the next CRC. This results in a path consisting of five entities: C-R-C-R-C. Other meaningful sequences of Concepts and Relations are also treated as paths, such as a sequence that contains a path-relevant pronoun as a stand-in for a Concept.

In Japanese, Paths cannot be based on the sequence of Entities in the original sentence. NLP nevertheless does identify Paths as meaningful sequences of Entities within Japanese text. NLP semantic analysis of Japanese uses an entity vector algorithm to create Entity Vectors. When NLP converts a Japanese sentence into an Entity Vector it commonly lists the Entities in a different order than the original sentence to indicate which Entities are linked to each other and how strong the link between them is. The resulting Entity Vector is used for Path analysis.

A Path must contain at least two Entities. Not all sentences are paths; some very short sentences may not contain the minimum number of Entities to qualify as a path.

A path is always contained within a single sentence. However, a sentence may contain more than one path. This can occur when NLP identifies a non-continuous sequence within the sentence. Once identified, the entities that comprise a path sequence are demarcated and normalized, and the path is assigned a unique Id. Paths are useful when an analysis of just CRCs is not large enough to identify some meaningfully associated entities. Paths are especially useful when returning some smaller linguistic unit in a wider context.

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