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Unprovision the Infrastructure

Unprovision the Infrastructure

Because public cloud platform instances continually generate charges and unused instances in private clouds consume resources to no purpose, it is important to unprovision infrastructure in a timely manner.

The icm unprovision command deallocates the provisioned infrastructure based on the state files created during provisioning. If the state subdirectory is not in the current working directory, the -stateDir option is required to specify its location. As described in Provision the Infrastructure, destroy refers to the Terraform phase that deallocates the infrastructure. One line is created for each entry in the definitions file, regardless of how many nodes of that type were provisioned. Because ICM runs Terraform in multiple threads, the order in which machines are unprovisioned is not deterministic.

$ icm unprovision -cleanUp
Type "yes" to confirm: yes
Starting destroy of ANDY-DM-TEST...
Starting destroy of ANDY-AM-TEST...
Starting destroy of ANDY-AR-TEST...
...completed destroy of ANDY-AR-TEST
...completed destroy of ANDY-AM-TEST
...completed destroy of ANDY-DM-TEST
Starting destroy of ANDY-TEST...
...completed destroy of ANDY-TEST

The -cleanUp option deletes the state directory after unprovisioning; by default, the state directory is preserved. The icm unprovision command prompts you to confirm unprovisioning by default; you can use the -force option to avoid this, for example when using a script.

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