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Provision the Infrastructure

Provision the Infrastructure

ICM provisions cloud infrastructure using the HashiCorp Terraform tool.


ICM can deploy containers on existing cloud, virtual or physical infrastructure; see Deploying on a Preexisting Cluster for more information.

The icm provision Command

The icm provision command allocates and configures host nodes, using the field values provided in the definitions.json and defaults.json files (as well as default values for unspecified parameters where applicable). The input files in the current working directory are used, and during provisioning, the state directory, instances.json file, and log files are created in the same directory (for details on these files see Configuration, State and Log Files in the chapter “Essential ICM Elements”).

Because the state directory and the generated instances.json file (which serves as input to subsequent reprovisioning, deployment, and management commands) are unique to a deployment, setting up znd working in a directory for each deployment is generally the simplest effective approach. For example, in the scenario described here, in which two different deployments share a defaults file, the simplest approach would be to set up one deployment in a directory such as /Samples/AWS, as shown in Shared Defaults File, then copy that entire directory (for example to /Samples/AWS2) and replace the first definitions.json file with the second.

While the provisioning operation is ongoing, ICM provides status messages regarding the plan phase (the Terraform phase that validates the desired infrastructure and generates state files) and the apply phase (the Terraform phase that accesses the cloud provider, carries out allocation of the machines, and updates state files). Because ICM runs Terraform in multiple threads, the order in which machines are provisioned and in which additional actions applied to them is not deterministic. This is illustrated in the sample output that follows.

At completion, ICM also provides a summary of the host nodes and associated components that have been provisioned, and outputs a command line which can be used to unprovision (delete) the infrastructure at a later date.

The following example is excerpted from the output of provisioning of the distributed cache cluster described in Define the Deployment.

$ icm provision 
Starting init of ANDY-TEST...
...completed init of ANDY-TEST
Starting plan of ANDY-DM-TEST...
Starting refresh of ANDY-TEST...

Starting apply of ANDY-DM-TEST...
Copying files to ANDY-DM-TEST-0002...
Configuring ANDY-AM-TEST-0003...
Mounting volumes on ANDY-AM-TEST-0004...
Installing Docker on ANDY-AM-TEST-0003...
Installing Weave Net on ANDY-DM-TEST-0001...
Collecting Weave info for ANDY-AR-TEST-0006...
...collected Weave info for ANDY-AM-TEST-0005
...installed Weave Net on ANDY-AM-TEST-0004

Machine            IP Address     DNS Name                                           Region    Zone
-------            ----------     --------                                           ------    ----
ANDY-DM-TEST-0001+  us-west-1 c
ANDY-DM-TEST-0002-  us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003    us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0005     us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003 us-west-1 c
ANDY-LB-TEST-0002  (virtual AM)              us-west-1 c
ANDY-AR-TEST-0006  us-west-1 c
To destroy: icm unprovision [-cleanUp] [-force]


Unprovisioning public cloud host nodes in a timely manner avoids unnecessary expense.

Interactions with cloud providers sometimes involve high latency leading to timeouts and internal errors on the provider side, and errors in the configuration files can also cause provisioning to fail. Because the icm provision command is fully reentrant, it can be issued multiple times until ICM completes all the required tasks for all the specified nodes without error. For more information, see the next section, Reprovisioning the InfrastructureOpens in a new tab.

Reprovisioning the Infrastructure

To make the provisioning process as flexible and resilient as possible, the icm provision command is fully reentrant — it can be issued multiple times for the same deployment. There are two primary reasons for reprovisioning infrastructure by executing the icm provision command more than once, as follows:

  • Overcoming provisioning errors

    Interactions with cloud providers sometimes involve high latency leading to timeouts and internal errors on the provider side, If errors are encountered during provisioning, the command can be issued multiple times until ICM completes all the required tasks for all the specified nodes without error.

  • Modifying provisioned infrastructure

    When your needs change, you can modify infrastructure that has already been provisioned, including configurations on which services have been deployed, at any time by changing the characteristics of existing nodes, adding nodes, or removing nodes.

When you repeat the icm provision command following an error, if the working directory does not contain the configuration files, you must repeat any location override options, this file does not yet exist, so you must use the -stateDir option to specify the incomplete infrastructure you want to continue provisioning. When you repeat the command to modify successfully provisioned infrastructure, however, you do not need to do so; as long as you are working in the directory containing the instances.json file, it is automatically used to identify the infrastructure you are reprovisioning. This is shown in the sections that follow.

Overcoming Provisioning Errors

When you issue the icm provision command and errors prevent successful provisioning, the state directory is created, but the instances.json file is not. Simply issue the icm provision command again, using the-stateDir option to specify the state subdirectory’s location if it is not in the current working directory. This indicates that provisioning is incomplete and provides the needed information about what has been done and what hasn’t. For example, suppose you encounter the problem in the following:

$ icm provision
Starting plan of ANDY-DM-TEST...
...completed plan of ANDY-DM-TEST
Starting apply of ANDY-AM-TEST...
Error: Thread exited with value 1
See /Samples/AWS/state/Sample-DS-TEST/terraform.err

Review the indicated errors, fix as needed, then run icm provision again in the same directory:

$ icm provision 
Starting plan of ANDY-DM-TEST...
...completed plan of ANDY-DM-TEST
Starting apply of ANDY-DM-TEST...
...completed apply of ANDY-DM-TEST
To destroy: icm unprovision [-cleanUp] [-force]

Modifying Provisioned Infrastructure

At any time following successful provisioning — including after successful services deployment using the icm run command — you can alter the provisioned infrastructure or configuration by modifying your definitions.json file and executing the icm provision command again. If changing a deployed configuration, you would then execute the icm run command again, as described in Redeploying Services.

You can modify existing infrastructure or a deployed configuration in the following ways.

  • To change the characteristics of one or more nodes, change settings within the node definitions in the definitions file. You might want to do this to vertically scale the nodes; for example, in the following definition, you could change the DataVolumeSize setting (see General Parameters) to increase the sizes of the DM nodes’ data volumes:

        "Role": "DM",
        "Count": "2",
        "LicenseKey": "standard-iris.key”,
        "InstanceType": "m4.xlarge",
        "OSVolumeSize": "32",
        "DataVolumeSize": "25"

    Modifying attributes of existing nodes such as changing disk sizes, adding CPUs, and so on may cause those nodes (including their persistent storage) to be recreated. This behavior is highly specific to each cloud provider, and caution should be used to avoid the possibility of corrupting or losing data.


    Changes to the Label and Tag fields in the definitions.json file are not supported when reprovisioning.

  • To add nodes, modify the definitions.json file in one or more of the following ways:

    • Add a new node type by adding a definition. For example, if you have deployed a sharded cluster with data nodes only, you can add compute nodes by adding an appropriate COMPUTE node definition to the definitions file.

    • Add more of an existing node type by increasing the Count specification in its definition. For example, to add two more application servers to a distributed cache cluster that already has two, you would modify the AM definition by changing “Count”: “2” to “Count”: “4”. When you add nodes to existing infrastructure or a deployed configuration, existing nodes are not restarted or modified, and their persistent storage remains intact.


      When you add data nodes to a deployed sharded cluster after it has been loaded with data, you can automatically redistribute the sharded data across the new servers (although this must be done with the cluster offline); for more information, see Add Shard Data Servers and Rebalance DataOpens in a new tab in the “Horizontally Scaling InterSystems IRIS for Data Volume with Sharding” chapter of the Scalability Guide.

      Generally, there are many application-specific attributes that cannot be modified by ICM and must be modified manually after adding nodes.

    • Add a load balancer by adding “LoadBalancer": "true" to DATA, COMPUTE, AM, or WS node definitions.

  • To remove nodes, decrease the Count specification in the node type definition. To remove all nodes of a given type, reduce the count to 0.


    Do not remove a definition entirely; Terraform will not detect the change and your infrastructure or deployed configuration will include orphaned nodes that ICM is no longer tracking.


    When removing one or more nodes, you cannot choose which to remove; rather nodes are unprovisioned on a last in, first out basis, so the most recently created node is the first one to be removed. This is especially significant when you have added one or more nodes in a previous reprovisioning operation, as these will be removed before the originally provisioned nodes.

    You can also remove load balancers by removing “LoadBalancer": "true" from a node definition, or changing the value to false.

There are some limitations to modifying an existing configuration through reprovisioning, as follows:

  • You cannot remove nodes that store data — DATA, DM, or DS.

  • You cannot change a configuration from nonmirrored to mirrored, or the reverse.

  • You can add DATA, DS, or DM nodes to a mirrored configuration only in numbers that match the relevant MirrorMap setting, as described in Rules for Mirroring. For example, if the MirrorMap default value of primary,backup is in effect, DATA and DS nodes can be added in even numbers (multiples of two) only to be configured as additional failover pairs, and DM nodes cannot be added; if MirrorMap is primary,backup,async, DATA or DS nodes can be added in multiples of three to be configured as additional three-member mirrors, or as a pair to be configured as an additional mirror with no async, and a DM node can be added only if the existing DM mirror does not currently include an async.

  • You can add an arbiter (AR node) to a mirrored configuration, but it must be manually configured as arbiter, using the management portal or ^MIRROR routine, for each mirror in the configuration.

By default, when issuing the icm provision command to modify existing infrastructure, ICM prompts you to confirm; you can avoid this, for example when using a script, by using the -force option.

Remember that after reprovisioning a deployed configuration, you must issue the icm run command again to redeploy.

Infrastructure Management Commands

The commands in this section are used to manage the infrastructure you have provisioned using ICM.

Many ICM command options can be used with more than one command. For example, the -role option can be used with a number of commands to specify the of the nodes for which the command should be run — for example, icm inventory -role AM lists only the nodes in the deployment that are of type AM — and the -image option, which specifies an image from which to deploy containers for both the icm run and icm upgrade commands. For complete lists of ICM commands and their options, see ICM Commands and Options in the “ICM Reference” chapter.

icm inventory

The icm inventory command lists the provisioned nodes, as at the end of the provisioning output, based on the information in the instances.json file (see The Instances File in the chapter “Essential ICM Elements”). For example:

$ icm inventory
Machine            IP Address     DNS Name                                           Region    Zone
-------            ----------     --------                                           ------    ----
ANDY-DM-TEST-0001+  us-west-1 c
ANDY-DM-TEST-0002-  us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003    us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0005     us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003 us-west-1 c
ANDY-LB-TEST-0002  (virtual AM)              us-west-1 c
ANDY-AR-TEST-0006  us-west-1 c


When mirrored nodes are part of a configuration, initial mirror failover assignments are indicated by a + (plus) following the machine name of each intended primary and a - (minus) following the machine name of each intended backup, as shown in the preceding example. These assignments can change, however; following deployment, use the icm ps command to display the mirror member status of the deployed nodes.

You can also use the -machine or -role options to filter by node name or role, for example, with the same cluster as in the preceding example:

$ icm inventory -role AM
Machine           IP Address     DNS Name                                           Region    Zone
-------           ----------     --------                                           ------    ----
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003    us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0005     us-west-1 c
ANDY-AM-TEST-0003 us-west-1 c

If the fully qualified DNS names from the cloud provider are too wide for a readable display, you can use the -options option with the Docker wide argument to make the output wider, for example:

icm inventory -options wide

For more information on the -options option, see Using ICM with Custom and Third-Party Containers.

icm ssh

The icm ssh command runs an arbitrary command on the specified host nodes. Because mixing output from multiple commands would be hard to interpret, the output is written to files and a list of output files provided, for example:

$ icm ssh -command "ping -c 5" -role DM
Executing command 'ping -c 5' on ANDY-DM-TEST-0001...
Executing command 'ping -c 5' on ANDY-DM-TEST-0002...
...output in ./state/ANDY-DM-TEST/ANDY-DM-TEST-0001/ssh.out
...output in ./state/ANDY-DM-TEST/ANDY-DM-TEST-0002/ssh.out

However, when the -machine and/or -role options are used to specify exactly one node, as in the following, or there is only one node, the output is also written to the console:

$ icm ssh -command "df -k" -machine ANDY-DM-TEST-0001
Executing command 'df -k' on ANDY-DM-TEST-0001...
...output in ./state/ANDY-DM-TEST/ANDY-DM-TEST-0001/ssh.out 

Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs          10474496 2205468   8269028  22% /
tmpfs            3874116       0   3874116   0% /dev
tmpfs            3874116       0   3874116   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvda2      33542124 3766604  29775520  12% /host
/dev/xvdb       10190100   36888   9612540   1% /irissys/data
/dev/xvdc       10190100   36888   9612540   1% /irissys/wij
/dev/xvdd       10190100   36888   9612540   1% /irissys/journal1
/dev/xvde       10190100   36888   9612540   1% /irissys/journal2
shm                65536     492     65044   1% /dev/shm

The icm ssh command can also be used in interactive mode to execute long-running, blocking, or interactive commands on a host node. Unless the command is run on a single-node deployment, the -interactive flag must be accompanied by a -role or -machine option restricting the command to a single node. If the -command option is not used, the destination user's default shell (for example bash) is launched.

See icm exec for an example of running a command interactively.


Two commands described in Service Management Commands, icm exec (which runs an arbitrary command on the specified containers) and icm session (which opens an interactive session for the InterSystems IRIS instance on a specified node) can be grouped with icm ssh as a set of powerful tools for interacting with your ICM deployment. The icm scp command, which securely copies a file or directory from the local ICM container to the host OS of the specified node or nodes, is frequently used with icm ssh.

icm scp

The icm scp command securely copies a file or directory from the local ICM container to the local file system of the specified node or nodes. The command syntax is as follows:

icm scp -localPath local-path [-remotePath remote-path]

Both localPath and remotePath can be either files or directories. If remotePath is a directory, it must contain a trailing forward slash (/), or it will be assumed to be a file. If both are directories, the contents of the local directory are recursively copied; if you want the directory itself to be copied, remove the trailing slash (/) from localPath.

The user specified by the SSHUser field must have the needed permissions for the host file system location specified by the optional remote-path argument. The default for remote-path is $HOME as defined in the host OS.


See also the icm cp command, which copies a local file or directory on the specified node into the specified container, or from the container onto the local file system.

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