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An expression that specifies the lower limit of the range of valid dates (inclusive). Can be specified as a $HOROLOG integer date count (for example, 2/22/2018 is represented as 64701) or a $HOROLOG string value. You can include or omit the time portion of the $HOROLOG date (for example “64701,43200”), but only the date portion of mindate is parsed. Specifying an hdatetime value earlier than mindate generates a <VALUE OUT OF RANGE> error.

The following are supported mindate values:

  • Positive integer: Most commonly mindate is specified as a positive integer to establish the earliest allowed date as some date after December 31, 1840. For example, a mindate of 21550 would establish the earliest allowed date as January 1, 1900. The highest valid value is 2980013 (December 31, 9999).

  • 0: specifies the minimum date as December 31, 1840. This is the DateMinimum property default.

  • Negative integer -2 or larger: specifies a minimum date counting backwards from December 31, 1840. For example, a mindate of -14974 would establish the earliest allowed date as January 1, 1800. Negative mindate values are only meaningful if the DateMinimum property of the current locale has been set to an equal or greater negative number. The lowest valid value is -672045; a mindate earlier than -672045 generates an <ILLEGAL VALUE> error.

  • If omitted (or specified as -1), mindate defaults to the DateMinimum property value for the current locale, unless one of the following is true: If localeopt=1, the mindate default is 0. If localeopt is unspecified and dformat=3, the mindate default is 0. If localeopt is unspecified and dformat is 18, 19, 20, or 21 (Islamic date formats) the mindate default is 0.

You can get and set the DateMinimum property as follows:

  SET min=##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).GetFormatItem("DateMinimum")
  WRITE "initial DateMinimum value is ",min,!
  SET x=##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).SetFormatItem("DateMinimum",-51498)
  SET newmin=##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).GetFormatItem("DateMinimum")
  WRITE "set DateMinimum value is ",newmin,!!
  WRITE $ZDATETIME(-13000,1,,,,,,,-14974),!!
  SET oldmin=##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).SetFormatItem("DateMinimum",min)
  WRITE "reset DateMinimum value from ",oldmin," to ",min 

You may specify mindate with or without maxdate. Specifying a mindate larger than maxdate generates an <ILLEGAL VALUE> error.

ODBC Date Format (dformat 3)

The application of the DateMinimum property is governed by the localeopt setting. When localeopt=1 (which is the default for dformat=3) the date minimum is 0, regardless of the current locale setting. Therefore, in ODBC format (dformat=3) the following can be used to specify a date prior to December 31, 1840:

  • Specify a mindate earlier than the specified date:

      WRITE $ZDATETIME(-30,3,,,,,,,-365)
  • Specify a DateMinimum property value earlier than the specified date and set localeopt=0:

      DO ##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).SetFormatItem("DateMinimum",-365)
      WRITE $ZDATETIME(-30,3,,,,,,,,,,0)
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