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Projection of Collection Properties to XML Schemas

Projection of Collection Properties to XML Schemas

For most kinds of properties, the class definition contains enough information to specify the complete XML projection — both to project objects as XML documents and to define a complete XML schema for validation purposes. For collection properties, however, InterSystems IRIS supports some forms of definitions that do not provide enough information for a complete XML schema. If you are using the XML projections in a context where the schema is needed (such as in web services and clients), it is necessary to have a complete XML schema; otherwise validation against the schema will fail. If you are not validating against a schema, this consideration does not apply. The following table lists the scenarios:

Forms of Collection Properties and Their XML Projection Details
Form of Property Definition XML Is Usable? XML Schema Is Usable?
Property PropName As List of classname or Property PropName As Array of classname Yes Yes
Property PropName As %ListOfDataTypes or Property PropName As %ArrayOfDataTypes Yes Yes (but the default type for the collection item is string, which might not be appropriate)
Property PropName As %ListOfObjects or Property PropName As %ArrayOfObjects Yes No (the schema does not specify the type for the collection item)

The following subsections show the XML schemas for these scenarios.

List of Classname

This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as List of Classname. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As list Of %Integer(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName");

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoList1, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <complexType name="DemoList1">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameLong">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s:long"/>

The following rules govern the names of the types:

  • For the PropName property, the corresponding type is named ArrayOfXMLItemNameType, where:

    • XMLItemName is the name of items in the collection as described as in Controlling the Element and Attribute Names for List-Type Properties. For a data type property, the default item name is the property name with Item appended to the end. (For a object property, the default item name is the short class name.)

    • Type is the XML type to which the property class is projected.

    <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>

    If XMLItemName is identical to Type, then for the PropName property, the corresponding type is named ArrayOfXMLItemName. That is, the redundant array item is removed from the type name. To cause the type name to include the redundant name, specify the AllowRedundantArrayName property (of your instance of %XML.SchemaOpens in a new tab) as 1. Similarly, in a web service class, to include the redundant array item name in the type in the WSDL, specify the ALLOWREDUNDANTARRAYNAME parameter (of the web service class) as 1.

  • The type ArrayOfXMLItemNameType is defined as a <sequence> of another type, named XMLItemName:

      <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameLong">
          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s:long"/>
  • The element XMLItemName is based on the XSD type corresponding to the data type class:

    <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s:long"/>

The same rules apply when Classname refers to an object class. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As list Of SimpleObject(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName");

Where Simple.Object contains two properties, MyProp and AnotherProp. If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoObjList, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <complexType name="DemoObjList">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameSimpleObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameSimpleObject">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:SimpleObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="SimpleObject">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="MyProp" type="s:string"/>
      <element minOccurs="0" name="AnotherProp" type="s:string"/>

Array of Classname

This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as Array of Classname. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As array Of %Integer(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName", XMLKEYNAME = "MyXmlKeyName");

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoArray1, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="mytypes">
  <complexType name="DemoArray1">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:PairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong">
      <extension base="s:long">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

The following rules govern the names of the types:

  • For the PropName property, the corresponding type is named ArrayOfXMLItemNamePairOfXMLKeyNameType, where:

    <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>

    If XMLKeyName is identical to Type, then for the PropName property, the corresponding type is named ArrayOfXMLItemNamePairOfXMLKeyName. That is, the redundant array item is removed from the type name. To cause the type name to include the redundant name, specify the AllowRedundantArrayName property (of your instance of %XML.SchemaOpens in a new tab) as 1. Similarly, in a web service class, to include the redundant array item name in the type in the WSDL, specify the ALLOWREDUNDANTARRAYNAME parameter (of the web service class) as 1.

  • The type ArrayOfXMLItemNamePairOfXMLKeyNameType is defined as a <sequence> of another type, named PairOfXMLKeyNameType:

     <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong">
          <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:PairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  • The type PairOfXMLKeyNameType is an extension of the given XSD type. This extension adds an attribute named XMLKeyName:

      <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameLong">
          <extension base="s:long">
            <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

The same rules apply when Classname refers to an object class. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As %ArrayOfObjects(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName", XMLKEYNAME = "MyXmlKeyName");

Where Simple.Object contains two properties, MyProp and AnotherProp. If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoObjArray, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <complexType name="DemoObjArray">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameSimpleObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameSimpleObject">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:PairOfMyXmlKeyNameSimpleObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameSimpleObject">
      <extension base="s01:SimpleObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>
  <complexType name="SimpleObject">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="MyProp" type="s:string"/>
      <element minOccurs="0" name="AnotherProp" type="s:string"/>


This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as %ListOfDataTypesOpens in a new tab. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As %ListOfDataTypes(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName");

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoList, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="mytypes">
  <complexType name="DemoList">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameString" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameString">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s:string"/>

For the rules for the names of the types, see List of Classname. Note that the collection item (PropNameItem in this example) is based on the XSD string type:

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s:string"/>

That is, the collection item is assumed to be a string. Also see Options for Using Collection Classes.


This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as %ArrayOfDataTypesOpens in a new tab. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As %ArrayOfDataTypes(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName", XMLKEYNAME = "MyXmlKeyName"); 

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoArray, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <complexType name="DemoArray">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameString" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameString">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:PairOfMyXmlKeyNameString" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameString">
      <extension base="s:string">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

For the rules for the names of the types, see Array of Classname. Note that the collection item (PairOfMyXmlKeyNameString in this example) is based on the XSD string type:

  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameString">
      <extension base="s:string">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

That is, the collection item is assumed to be a string. Also see Options for Using Collection Classes.


This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as %ListOfObjectsOpens in a new tab. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As list Of %Integer(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName");

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoObjList1, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <complexType name="DemoObjList1">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameRegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNameRegisteredObject">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:RegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>

For the rules for the names of the types, see List of Classname. Note that the collection item type is RegisteredObject, which is not defined:

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:RegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>

As a result, this schema is unusable. See Options for Using Collection Classes. .


This section shows the part of an XML schema that is generated from an XML-enabled class, when that class includes a property that is defined as %ArrayOfObjectsOpens in a new tab. For example, consider the following property definition:

Property PropName As %ArrayOfObjects(XMLITEMNAME = "MyXmlItemName", XMLKEYNAME = "MyXmlKeyName");

If this property is in an XML-enabled class named Test.DemoObjArray1, the XML schema for this class contains the following:

<schema xmlns="" xmlns:s="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="mytypes">
  <complexType name="DemoObjArray1">
      <element minOccurs="0" name="PropName" type="s01:ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameRegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="ArrayOfMyXmlItemNamePairOfMyXmlKeyNameRegisteredObject">
      <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="MyXmlItemName" nillable="true" type="s01:PairOfMyXmlKeyNameRegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes"/>
  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameRegisteredObject">
      <extension base="s01:RegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

For the rules for the names of the types, see List of Classname. Note that the collection item type is based on RegisteredObject, which is not defined:

  <complexType name="PairOfMyXmlKeyNameRegisteredObject">
      <extension base="s01:RegisteredObject" xmlns:s01="mytypes">
        <attribute name="MyXmlKeyName" type="s:string" use="required"/>

As a result, this schema is unusable. See Options for Using Collection Classes.

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