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Embedded Object (%SerialObject)

Embedded Object (%SerialObject)

You can simplify the structure of a persistent table by referencing an embedded serial object class that defines properties. For example, you want the MyData.Person to contain address information, consisting of street, city, state, and postal code. Rather than specifying these properties in MyData.Person, you can define a serial object (%SerialObject) class that defines these properties, and then in MyData.Person specify a single Home property that references that embedded object. This is shown in the following class definitions:

Class MyData.Person Extends (%Persistent) [ DdlAllowed ]
{  Parameter USEEXTENTSET = 1;
   Property Name As %String(MAXLEN=50);
   Property Home As MyData.Address;
   Property Age As %Integer;
   Index BitmapExtent [ Extent, Type = bitmap ];
Class MyData.Address Extends (%SerialObject)
{  Property Street As %String;
   Property City As %String;
   Property State As %String;
   Property PostalCode As %String;

You cannot access the data in a serial object property directly, you must access them through a persistent class/table that references it:

  • To refer to an individual serial object property from the persistent table, use an underscore. For example, SELECT Name, Home_State FROM MyData.Person returns the State serial object property value as a string. Serial object property values are returned in the order specified in the query.

  • To refer to all of the serial object properties from the persistent table, specify the referencing field. For example, SELECT Home FROM MyData.Person returns values of all of the MyData.Address properties as a %List structure. Serial object property values are returned in the order specified in the serial object: Home_Street, Home_City, Home_State, Home_PostalCode. In the Management Portal SQL interface Catalog Details, this referencing field is referred to as a Container field. It is a Hidden field, and therefore not returned by SELECT * syntax.

  • A SELECT * for a persistent class returns all of the serial object properties individually, including nested serial objects. For example, SELECT * FROM MyData.Person returns Age, Name, Home_City, Home_PostalCode, Home_State, and Home_Street values (in that order); it does not return the Home %List structure value. Serial object property values are returned in collation sequence. SELECT * first lists all of the fields in the persistent class in collation sequence (commonly alphabetical order), followed by the nested serial object properties in collation sequence.

Note that an embedded serial object does not have to be in the same package as the persistent table that references it. The SqlCategory for %Library.SerialObject (and all sub-classes of %SerialObject that do not define the SqlCategory explicitly) is STRING.

Defining embedded objects can simplify persistent table definitions:

  • A persistent table can contain multiple properties that reference different records in the same embedded object. For example, the MyData.Person table can contain a Home and an Office property, both of which reference the MyData.Address serial object class.

  • Multiple persistent tables can reference instances of the same embedded object. For example, the MyData.Person table Home property and the MyData.Employee WorkPlace property can both reference the MyData.Address serial object class.

  • An embedded object can reference another embedded object. For example, the MyData.Address embedded object contains the Phone property that references the MyData.Telephone embedded object, containing CountryCode, AreaCode, and PhoneNum properties. From the persistent class you use multiple underscores to refer to a nested serial object property, for example Home_Phone_AreaCode.

Compiling a serial object class generate a data specification in the storage definition. The compiler assigns this specification a data name by appending the word “State” to the serial object class name. Therefore, MyData.Address is assigned <Data name="AddressState">. If this name (AddressState in this example) is already used as a property name, the compiler appends an integer to create a unique data name: <Data name="AddressState1">.

Refer to Introduction to Serial Objects.

For information on creating an index for a serial object property, refer to Indexing an Embedded Object (%SerialObject) Property.

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