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  • Create View — Displays a page for creating a view.

  • Print Catalog — Allows you to print complete information about a table definition. Clicking Print Catalog displays a print preview. By clicking Indices, Triggers, and/or Constraints on this print preview you can include or exclude this information from the catalog printout.

  • Purge Cached Queries — Provides three options for purging cached queries: purge all cached queries for the current namespace, purge all cached queries for the specified table, or purge only selected cached queries.

  • Tune Table Information — Run the Tune Table facility against the selected table. This calculates the selectivity of each table column against the current data. A selectivity value of 1 indicates a column that defined as unique (and therefore has all unique data values). A selectivity value of 1.0000% indicates a column not defined as unique for which all current data values are unique values. A percentage value greater that 1.0000% indicates the relative number of duplicate values for that column in the current data. By using these selectivity values you can determine what indexes to define and how to use these indexes to optimize performance.

  • Tune all tables in schema — Run the Tune Table facility against all of the tables belonging to a specified schema in the current namespace.

  • Rebuild Table’s Indices — Rebuild all indexes for the specified table.

  • Drop this item — Drop (delete) the specified table definition, view definition, procedure, or cached query. You must have the appropriate privileges to perform this operation. Drop cannot be used on a table created by defining a persistent class, unless the table class definition includes [DdlAllowed]. Otherwise, the operation fails with an SQLCODE-300 error with the %msg DDL not enabled for class 'Schema.tablename'. Drop cannot be used on a table if the corresponding persistent class has a subclass (a derived class); the operation fails with an SQLCODE -300 error with the %msg Class 'Schema.tablename' has derived classes and therefore cannot be dropped via DDL.

    If a class is defined as a linked table, the Drop action drops the linked table on the local system, even if the linked table class is not defined as DdlAllowed. Drop does not drop the actual table this link references that resides on the server.

  • Export All StatementsExports all SQL Statements in the current namespace. SQL Statements are exported in XML format. You can choose to export to a file, or export to a browser display page.

  • Import StatementsImports SQL Statements from an XML file into the current namespace.

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