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Host Variables

Host Variables

A host variable is a local variable that passes a literal value into or out of Embedded SQL. Most commonly, host variables are used to either pass the value of a local variable as an input value into Embedded SQL, or to pass an SQL query result value as an output host variable from an Embedded SQL query.

A host variable cannot be used to specify an SQL identifier, such as a schema name, table name, field name, or cursor name. A host variable cannot be used to specify an SQL keyword.

  • Output host variables are only used in Embedded SQL. They are specified in an INTO clause, an SQL query clause that is only supported in Embedded SQL. Compiling Embedded SQL initializes all INTO clause variables to the null string ('').

  • Input host variables can be used in either Embedded SQL or Dynamic SQL. In Dynamic SQL, you can also input a literal to an SQL statement using the “?” input parameter. This “?” syntax cannot be used in Embedded SQL.

Within Embedded SQL, input host variables can be used in any place that a literal value can be used. Output host variables are specified using an INTO clause of a SELECT or FETCH statement.


When an SQL NULL is output to ObjectScript, it is represented by an ObjectScript empty string (""), a string of length zero. See NULL and Undefined Host Variables.

To use a variable or a property reference as a host variable, precede it with a colon (:). A host variable in embedded InterSystems SQL can be one of the following:

  • One or more ObjectScript local variables, such as :myvar, specified as a comma-separated list. A local variable can be fully formed and can include subscripts. Like all local variables, it is case-sensitive and can contain Unicode letter characters.

  • A single ObjectScript local variable array, such as :myvars(). A local variable array can receive only field values from a single table (not joined tables or a view). For details, refer to “Host Variable Subscripted by Column Number”, below.

  • An object reference, such as :oref.Prop, where Prop is a property name, with or without a leading % character. This can be a simple property or a multidimensional array property, such as :oref.Prop(1). It can be an instance variable, such as :i%Prop or :i%%Data. The property name may be delimited; for example :Person."Home City". Delimited property names can be used even when support for delimited identifiers is deactivated. Multidimensional properties may include :i%Prop() and :m%Prop() host variable references. An object reference host variable can include any number of dot syntax levels; for example, :Person.Address.City.

    When an oref.Prop is used as a host variable inside a procedure block method, the system automatically adds the oref variable (not the entire oref.Prop reference) to the PublicList and NEWs it.

Double quotes in a host variable specify a literal string, not a delimited identifier. For example, :request.GetValueAt("PID:SetIDPID") or :request.GetValueAt("PID:PatientName(1).FamilyName").

Host variables should be listed in the ObjectScript procedure’s PublicList variables list and reinitialized using the NEW command. You can configure InterSystems IRIS to also list all host variables used in Embedded SQL in comment text; this is described in Comment.

Host variable values have the following behavior:

  • Input host variables are never modified by the SQL statement code. They retain their original values even after Embedded SQL has run. However, input host variable values are “lightly normalized” before being supplied to the SQL statement code: Valid numeric values are stripped of leading and trailing zeros, a single leading plus sign, and a trailing decimal point. Timestamp values are stripped of trailing spaces, trailing zeros in fractional seconds, and (if there are no fractional seconds) a trailing decimal point.

  • Output host variables specified in the INTO clause are defined when the query is compiled. They are set to the null string so that referencing them does not result in an <UNDEFINED> error. Host variable values only represent actual values when SQLCODE=0. In DECLARE ... SELECT ... INTO statements, do not modify the output host variables in the INTO clause between two FETCH calls, since that might cause unpredictable query results.

You must check the SQLCODE value before processing output host variables. Output host variable values should only be used when SQLCODE=0.

When using a comma-separated list of host variables in the INTO clause, you must specify the same number of host variables as the number of select-items (fields, aggregate functions, scalar functions, arithmetic expressions, literals). Too many or too few host variables results in an SQLCODE -76 cardinality error upon compilation.

This is often a concern when using SELECT * in Embedded SQL. For example, SELECT * FROM Sample.Person is only valid with a comma-separated list of 15 host variables (the exact number of non-hidden columns, which, depending on the table definition, may or may not include the system-generated RowID (ID) column). Note that this number of columns may not be a simple correspondence to the number of properties listed in the InterSystems Class Reference.

Because the number of columns can change, it is usually not a good idea to specify SELECT * with an INTO clause list of individual host variables. When using SELECT *, it is usually preferable to use a host variable subscripted array, such as the following:

  &sql(SELECT %ID,* INTO :tflds() FROM Sample.Person )
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
   FOR i=0:1:25 { 
       IF $DATA(tflds(i)) {
       WRITE "field ",i," = ",tflds(i),! }

This example uses %ID to return the RowID as field number 1, whether or not the RowID is hidden. Note that in this example the field number subscripts may not be continuous sequence; some fields may be hidden and are skipped over. Fields that contain NULL are listed with an empty string value. Using a host variable array is described in “Host Variable Subscripted by Column Number”, below.

It is good programming practice to check the SQLCODE value immediately after exiting Embedded SQL. Output host variable values should only be used when SQLCODE=0.

Host Variable Examples

In the following ObjectScript example, an Embedded SQL statement uses output host variables to return a name and home state address from an SQL query to ObjectScript:

   &sql(SELECT Name,Home_State
        INTO :CName,:CAddr
        FROM Sample.Person)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      WRITE !,"Name is: ",CName
      WRITE !,"State is: ",CAddr

The Embedded SQL uses an INTO clause that specifies the host variables :CName and :CAddr to return the selected customer’s name in the local variable CName, and home state in the local variable CAddr.

The following example performs the same operation, using subscripted local variables:

   &sql(SELECT Name,Home_State
        INTO :CInfo(1),:CInfo(2)
        FROM Sample.Person)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      WRITE !,"Name is: ",CInfo(1)
      WRITE !,"State is: ",CInfo(2)

These host variables are simple local variables with user-supplied subscripts (:CInfo(1)). However, if you omit the subscript (:CInfo()), InterSystems IRIS populates the host variable subscripted array using SqlColumnNumber, as described below.

In the following ObjectScript example, an Embedded SQL statement uses both input host variables (in the WHERE clause) and output host variables (in the INTO clause):

  SET minval = 10000
  SET maxval = 50000
  &sql(SELECT Name,Salary INTO :outname, :outsalary
       FROM MyApp.Employee
       WHERE Salary > :minval AND Salary < :maxval)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      WRITE !,"Name is: ",outname
      WRITE !,"Salary is: ",outsalary

The following example performs “light normalization” on an input host variable. Note that InterSystems IRIS treats the input variable value as a string and does not normalize it, but Embedded SQL normalizes this number to 65 to perform the equality comparison in the WHERE clause:

  SET x="+065.000"
  &sql(SELECT Name,Age
       INTO :a,:b
       FROM Sample.Person
       WHERE Age=:x)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
  WRITE !,"Input value is: ",x
  WRITE !,"Name value is: ",a
  WRITE !,"Age value is: ",b

In the following ObjectScript example, an Embedded SQL statement uses object properties as host variables:

   &sql(SELECT Name, Title INTO :obj.Name, :obj.Title
        FROM MyApp.Employee
        WHERE %ID = :id )

In this case, obj must be a valid reference to an object that has mutable (that is, they can be modified) properties Name and Title. Note that if a query includes an INTO statement and no data is returned (that is, that SQLCODE is 100), then executing the query may result in the value of the host variable being modified.

Host Variable Subscripted by Column Number

If the FROM clause contains a single table, you can specify a subscripted host variable for fields selected from that table; for example, the local array :myvar(). The local array is populated by InterSystems IRIS, using each field’s SqlColumnNumber as the numeric subscript. Note that SqlColumnNumber is the column number in the table definition, not the select-list sequence. (You cannot use a subscripted host variable for fields of a view.)

A host variable array must be a local array that has its lowest level subscript omitted. Therefore, :myvar(), :myvar(5,), and :myvar(5,2,) are all valid host variable subscripted arrays.

  • A host variable subscripted array may be used for input in an INSERT, UPDATE, or INSERT OR UPDATE statement VALUES clause. When used in an INSERT or UPDATE statement, a host variable array allows you to define which columns are being updated at runtime, rather than at compile time.

  • A host variable subscripted array may be used for output in a SELECT or DECLARE statement INTO clause. Subscripted array usage in SELECT is shown in the examples that follow.

In the following example, the SELECT populates the Cdata array with the values of the specified fields. The elements of Cdata() correspond to the table column definition, not the SELECT elements. Therefore, the Name field is column 6, the Age field is column 2, and the date of birth (DOB) field is column 3 in Sample.Person:

   &sql(SELECT Name,Age,DOB
        INTO :Cdata()
        FROM Sample.Person)
          IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
          ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      WRITE !,"Name is: ",Cdata(6)
      WRITE !,"Age is: ",Cdata(2)
      WRITE !,"DOB is: ",$ZDATE(Cdata(3),1)

The following example uses a subscripted array host variable to return all of the field values of a row:

   &sql(SELECT * INTO :Allfields()
        FROM Sample.Person)
          IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
          ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      SET x=1
      WHILE x '="" {
      WRITE !,x," field is ",Allfields(x)
      SET x=$ORDER(Allfields(x))

Note that this WHILE loop is incremented using $ORDER rather than a simple x=x+1. This is because in many tables (such as Sample.Person) there may be hidden columns. These cause the column number sequence to be discontinuous.

If the SELECT list contains items that are not fields from that table, such as expressions or arrow-syntax fields, the INTO clause must also contain comma-separated non-array host variables. The following example combines a subscripted array host variable to return values that correspond to defined table columns, and host variables to return values that do not correspond to defined table columns:

   &sql(SELECT Name,Home_City,{fn NOW},Age,($HOROLOG-DOB)/365.25,Home_State
        INTO :Allfields(),:timestmp('now'),:exactage
        FROM Sample.Person)
          IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
          ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
      SET x=$ORDER(Allfields(""))
      WHILE x '="" {
      WRITE !,x," field is ",Allfields(x)
      SET x=$ORDER(Allfields(x)) }
      WRITE !,"date & time now is ",timestmp("now")
      WRITE !,"exact age is ",exactage

Note that the non-array host variables must match the non-column SELECT items in number and sequence.

The use of a host variable as a subscripted array is subject to the following restrictions:

  • A subscripted list can only be used when selecting fields from a single table in the FROM clause. This is because when selecting fields from multiple tables, the SqlColumnNumber values may conflict.

  • A subscripted list can only be used when selecting table fields. It cannot be used for expressions or aggregate fields. This is because these select-list items do not have an SqlColumnNumber value.

For further details on using a host variable array, see INTO Clause.

NULL and Undefined Host Variables

If you specify an input host variable that is not defined, Embedded SQL treats its value as NULL.

   NEW x
   &sql(SELECT Home_State,:x
        INTO :a,:b
        FROM Sample.Person)
          IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
          ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
     WRITE !,"The length of Home_State is: ",$LENGTH(a)
     WRITE !,"The length of x is: ",$LENGTH(b)

The SQL NULL is equivalent to the ObjectScript "" string (a zero-length string).

When Embedded SQL is compiled, all INTO clause output host variables are defined as the ObjectScript "" string (a zero-length string). If you output a NULL to a host variable, Embedded SQL treats its value as the ObjectScript "" string (a zero-length string). For example, some records in Sample.Person have a NULL Spouse field. After executing this query:

 &sql(SELECT Name,Spouse
    INTO :name, :spouse
    FROM Sample.Person
    WHERE Spouse IS NULL)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
    WRITE !,"Name: ",name," of length ",$LENGTH(name)," defined: ",$DATA(name)
    WRITE !,"Spouse: ",spouse," of length ",$LENGTH(spouse)," defined: ",$DATA(spouse)

The host variable, spouse, will be set to "" (a zero-length string) to indicate a NULL value. Therefore, the ObjectScript $DATA function cannot be used to determine if an SQL field is NULL. $DATA returns true (variable is defined) when passed an output host variable for an SQL field with a NULL value.

In the rare case that a table field contains an SQL zero-length string (''), such as if an application explicitly set the field to an SQL '' string, the host variable will contain the special marker value, $CHAR(0) (a string of length 1, containing only a single, ASCII 0 character), which is the ObjectScript representation for the SQL zero-length string. Use of SQL zero-length strings is strongly discouraged.

The following example compares host variables output from an SQL NULL and an SQL zero-length string:

 &sql(SELECT '',Spouse
    INTO :zls, :spouse
    FROM Sample.Person
    WHERE Spouse IS NULL)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
        ELSEIF SQLCODE=100 {WRITE "Query returns no results"  QUIT}
    WRITE "In ObjectScript"
    WRITE !,"ZLS is of length ",$LENGTH(zls)," defined: ",$DATA(zls)
       /* Length=1, Defined=1 */
    WRITE !,"NULL is of length ",$LENGTH(spouse)," defined: ",$DATA(spouse)
       /* Length=0, Defined=1 */

Note that this host variable NULL behavior is only true within server-based queries (Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL). Within ODBC and JDBC, NULL values are explicitly specified using the ODBC or JDBC interface.

Validity of Host Variables

  • Input host variables are never modified by Embedded SQL.

  • Output host variables are only reliably valid after Embedded SQL when SQLCODE = 0.

For example, the following use of OutVal is not reliably valid:

   SET InVal = "1234"
   SET OutVal = "None"
   &sql(SELECT Name
        INTO :OutVal
        FROM Sample.Person
        WHERE %ID=:InVal)
   IF OutVal="None" {           ; Improper Use 
   WRITE !,"No data returned"
   ELSE {
   WRITE !,"Name is: ",OutVal }

The value of OutVal set before invoking Embedded SQL should not be referenced by the IF command after returning from Embedded SQL.

Instead, you should code this example as follows, using the SQLCODE variable:

   SET InVal = "1234"
   &sql(SELECT Name
        INTO :OutVal
        FROM Sample.Person
        WHERE %ID=:InVal)
   IF SQLCODE'=0 { SET OutVal="None" 
      IF OutVal="None" {
      WRITE !,"No data returned"
   ELSE {
   WRITE !,"Name is: ",OutVal }

The Embedded SQL sets the SQLCODE variable to 0 to indicate the successful retrieval of an output row. An SQLCODE value of 100 indicates that no row was found that matches the SELECT criteria. An SQLCODE negative number value indicates a SQL error condition.

Host Variables and Procedure Blocks

If your Embedded SQL is within a procedure block, all input and output host variables must be public. This can be done by declaring them in the PUBLIC section at the beginning of the procedure block, or by naming them with an initial % character (which automatically makes them public). Note, however, that a user-defined % host variable is automatically public, but is not automatically NEWed. It is the user’s responsibility to perform a NEW on such variables, as desired. Some SQL % variables, such as %ROWCOUNT, %ROWID, and %msg, are both automatically public and automatically NEWed, as described in Embedded SQL Variables. You must declare SQLCODE as public. For further details on the SQLCODE variable, see Embedded SQL Variables.

In the following procedure block example, the host variables zip, city, and state, as well as the SQLCODE variable are declared as PUBLIC. The SQL system variables %ROWCOUNT, %ROWID, and %msg are already public, because their names begin with a % character. The procedure code then performs a NEW on SQLCODE, the other SQL system variables, and the state local variable:

  [SQLCODE,zip,city,state] PUBLIC {
  SET state="MA"
  &sql(UPDATE Sample.Person
       SET Home_City = :city, Home_State = :state
       WHERE Home_Zip = :zip)
        IF SQLCODE<0 {WRITE "SQLCODE error ",SQLCODE," ",%msg  QUIT}
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