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Table Field/Property Definition Collation

Table Field/Property Definition Collation

Within SQL, collation can be assigned as part of field/property definition. The data type used by a field determines its default collation. The default collation for string data types in tables that use row storage is SQLUPPER; however, in tables that use columnar storage, the default collation is EXACT. Non-string data types do not support collation assignment.

You can specify collation for a field in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE:

CREATE TABLE Sample.MyNames (
    LastName CHAR(30),
    FirstName CHAR(30) COLLATE SQLstring)

When specifying collation for a field using CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE, the % prefix is optional: COLLATE SQLstring or COLLATE %SQLstring.

You can specify collation for a property when defining a table using a persistent class definition:

Class Sample.MyNames Extends %Persistent [DdlAllowed]
Property LastName As %String;
Property FirstName As %String(COLLATION = "SQLstring");

When specifying collation for class definitions and class methods do not use the % prefix for collation type names.

In these examples, the LastName field takes default collation (SQLUPPER, which is not case-sensitive), the FirstName field is defined with SQLSTRING collation, which is case-sensitive.

If you change the collation for a class property and you already have stored data for that class, any indexes on the property become invalid. You must rebuild all indexes based on this property.

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