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This example shows an InterSystems IRIS web service that receives a binary file and sends it back to the caller.

The corresponding web client sends a file with a hardcoded filename, receives the same file from the web service, and then saves it with a new name to prove that it has been successfully sent.

Web Service

The web service is as follows:

/// Receive an attachment and send it back
Class MTOM.RoundTripWS Extends %SOAP.WebService

///  Name of the web service.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "RoundTrip";

///  SOAP namespace for the web service
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

///  Receive an attachment and send it back
Method ReceiveFile(attachment As %GlobalBinaryStream) As %GlobalBinaryStream [ WebMethod ]
  Set ..MTOMRequired=1
  Quit attachment


Web Client

The generated web client (MTOMClient.RoundTripSoap) contains the method ReceiveFile(), which invokes the web method of the same name. This method is originally as follows:

Method ReceiveFile(attachment As %xsd.base64Binary) As %xsd.base64Binary 
[ Final, SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
 Quit ..WebMethod("ReceiveFile").Invoke($this,"",

Because the files we send might exceed the string length limit, we adjust the method signature as follows:

Method ReceiveFile(attachment As %GlobalBinaryStream) As %GlobalBinaryStream 
[ Final, SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
 Quit ..WebMethod("ReceiveFile").Invoke($this,"",

MTOM is not required by default in the web client; that is, the MTOMREQUIRED parameter is not defined.

To use this proxy client, we create the following class:

Include %systemInclude

Class MTOMClient.UseClient

/// For this example, hardcode what we are sending
ClassMethod SendFile() As %GlobalBinaryStream
  Set client=##class(MTOMClient.RoundTripSoap).%New()
  Set client.MTOMRequired=1

  //reset location to port 8080 to enable tracing
  Set client.Location="https://devsys:8080/csp/mysamples/MTOM.RoundTripWS.cls"

  //create file
  Set filename="c:\sample.pdf"
  Set file=##class(%Library.FileBinaryStream).%New()
  Set file.Filename=filename

  //create %GlobalBinaryStream
  Set attachment=##class(%GlobalBinaryStream).%New()
  Do attachment.CopyFrom(file)
  //call the web service
  Set answer=client.ReceiveFile(attachment)
  //save the received file to prove we made the round trip successfully
  Set newfilename="c:\roundtrip"_$h_"sample.pdf"
  Set newfile=##class(%Library.FileBinaryStream).%New()
  Set newfile.Filename=newfilename
  Do newfile.CopyFromAndSave(answer)
  Quit answer

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