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Adjusting Properties of a Web Client Instance

Adjusting Properties of a Web Client Instance

When you use an instance of your web client classes, you can specify properties of that instance to control its behavior. This section discusses the properties that are most commonly set, as well as their default values.

Changing the Endpoint for the Web Client

The SOAP Wizard automatically sets the endpoint for the web client by setting the LOCATION parameter of the web client. By default, it sets this parameter equal to the URL of the web service with which it communicates.

To override this, set the Location property of your web client instance. If Location is null, then the LOCATION parameter is used.

A common usage is to set the Location property to use a different port, in order to enable tracing. For example, suppose that in the generated web client class, the endpoint is defined as follows:

Parameter LOCATION = "https://devsys/csp/mysamples/GSOP.AddComplexWS.cls";

When you use this client, you can include the following line:

   Set client.Location="https://devsys:8080/mysamples/mysamples/GSOP.AddComplexWS.cls"

If the WSDL does not specify the location of the web service, the SOAP Wizard does not specify the LOCATION parameter of the web client. This is a rare scenario. In this scenario, either edit the web client class to include the LOCATION parameter or specify the Location property of your web client instance as shown here.

Configuring the Client to Use SSL

If the endpoint for a web client has HTTPS protocol, the web client must be configured to use SSL. Specifically:

  • If you have not already done so, use the Management Portal to create an SSL/TLS configuration that contains the details of the needed SSL connection. For information, see About Configurations in the TLS Guide.

  • Set the SSLConfiguration property of the web client equal to that SSL/TLS configuration name.

Note that if the client is connecting via a proxy server, you must also set the HttpProxySSLConnect property equal to 1 in the web client. For information on configuring an InterSystems IRIS web client to use a proxy server, see Fine-Tuning the Web Client.

Specifying the SOAP Version

The SOAP Wizard automatically specifies the SOAP version to use in request messages, based on the SOAP version in the WSDL of the web service. Specifically it sets the SOAPVERSION parameter.

To override this, set the SoapVersion property of your web client instance. Use one of the following values:

  • "" — The client sends SOAP 1.1 messages.

  • "1.1" — The client sends SOAP 1.1 messages.

  • "1.2" — The client sends SOAP 1.2 messages.

If SoapVersion is null, then the SOAPVERSION parameter is used.

Other Adjustments

You might need to set other properties of the web client instance to make other changes. See Fine-Tuning a Web Client in InterSystems IRIS for details.

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