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Using Attachments

Using Attachments

When an InterSystems IRIS web service or web client receives a SOAP message that has attachments (as specified by the SOAP with Attachments specification), the following happens:

  • The attachments are inserted into the appropriate property:

    • For a web service, the inbound attachments are placed in the Attachments property.

    • For a web client, the inbound attachments are placed in the ResponseAttachments property.

    Each of these properties is a list with the usual list interface (for example, SetAt(), Count(), and GetAt() methods). Each list element is an instance of %Net.MIMEPartOpens in a new tab. Note that a MIME part can in turn contain other MIME parts. Your code is responsible for determining the structure and contents of the attachments.

  • The ContentID and ContentLocation properties are updated to reflect the Content-ID and Content-Location headers of the inbound SOAP message.

The web service or web client can access these properties and thus access the attachments.

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