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Deploying the Sharded Cluster

Deploying the Sharded Cluster

To provide you with simple ways to create your first cluster for evaluation and testing purposes, this section includes manual procedures for deploying a basic InterSystems IRIS sharded cluster consisting of nonmirrored data nodes, using either the Management Portal or the %SYSTEM.ClusterOpens in a new tab API to configure the cluster. These procedures are extended for adding compute nodes and mirroring in subsequent sections, as follows:

  • Compute nodes can be easily added to an existing cluster; if you are considering deploying compute nodes in production, the best approach is typically to evaluate the operation of your data node-only cluster before deciding whether it can benefit from their addition. For more information on planning and adding compute nodes, see Plan Compute Nodes and Deploy Compute Nodes for Workload Separation and Increased Query Throughput.

  • Other than adding failover (and optionally disaster recovery) capability to each data node and the possible minor impact of latency between failover members, a mirrored sharded cluster performs in exactly the same way as a nonmirrored cluster of the same number of data nodes. If you are interested in deploying a mirrored sharded cluster, see Mirror Data Nodes for High Availability for procedures.

InterSystems IRIS data platform also offers several methods for automated deployment of sharded clusters, which greatly simplify the process of deploying clusters of varying topology on a variety of platforms, including on-premises hardware, public and private clouds, and Kubernetes.

Regardless of the method you use to deploy a sharded cluster, the first steps are to decide how many data nodes are to be included in the cluster and plan the sizes of the database caches and globals databases on those nodes. When deploying manually, you also need to identify or provision the infrastructure that will host the cluster and deploy InterSystems IRIS on the hosts before configuring the cluster. Therefore, to deploy your basic cluster using the manual procedures in this section, start with these steps and then choose a manual configuration method, as follows:

  1. Plan data nodes

  2. Estimate the database cache and database sizes

  3. Provision or identify the infrastructure

  4. Deploy InterSystems IRIS on the data node hosts

  5. Configure the cluster using either:


The instructions in this section:


These instructions assume you will deploy new InterSystems IRIS instances on the hosts you provisioned or identified before configuring the cluster, but can be adapted for use with existing instances, as long as the instances to be configured as cluster nodes and their hosts adhere to the requirements and guidelines described in the first four steps.

For an important discussion of load balancing a web server tier distributing application connections across data and (where applicable) compute nodes, see Load Balancing, Failover, and Mirrored ConfigurationsOpens in a new tab in the Web Gateway guide.

For an important discussion of performance planning, including memory management and scaling, CPU sizing and scaling, and other considerations, see System Resource Planning and Management.

In the most typical sharded cluster configuration, each cluster node consists of one InterSystems IRIS instance on one physical or virtual system. This configuration is assumed in the procedures provided in this chapter.

InterSystems recommends the use of an LDAP server to implement centralized security across the nodes of a sharded cluster. For information about using LDAP with InterSystems IRIS, see LDAP Guide.

HealthShare Health Connect does not support sharding.

Automated Deployment Methods for Clusters

In addition to the manual procedures outlined in this section, InterSystems IRIS Data platform provides two methods for automated deployment of sharded clusters that are fully operational following deployment.

Deploy a Sharded Cluster Using the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO)

KubernetesOpens in a new tab is an open-source orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized workloads and services. You define the containerized services you want to deploy and the policies you want them to be governed by; Kubernetes transparently provides the needed resources in the most efficient way possible, repairs or restores the deployment when it deviates from spec, and scales automatically or on demand. The InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) extends the Kubernetes API with the IrisCluster custom resource, which can be deployed as an InterSystems IRIS sharded cluster, distributed cache cluster, or standalone instance, all optionally mirrored, on any Kubernetes platform.

The IKO isn’t required to deploy InterSystems IRIS under Kubernetes, but it greatly simplifies the process and adds InterSystems IRIS-specific cluster management capabilities to Kubernetes, enabling tasks like adding nodes to a cluster, which you would otherwise have to do manually by interacting directly with the instances.

For more information on using the IKO, see Using the InterSystems Kubernetes OperatorOpens in a new tab.

Deploy a Sharded Cluster Using Configuration Merge

The configuration merge feature, available on Linux and UNIX® systems, lets you vary the configurations of InterSystems IRIS containers deployed from the same image, or local instances installed from the same kit, by simply applying the desired declarative configuration merge file to each instance in the deployment.

This merge file, which can also be applied when restarting an existing instance, updates an instance’s configuration parameter file (CPF), which contains most of its configuration settings; these settings are read from the CPF at every startup, including the first one after an instance is deployed. When you apply configuration merge during deployment, you in effect replace the default CPF provided with the instance with your own updated version.

Using configuration merge, you can deploy a sharded cluster by calling separate merge files for the different node types, sequentially deploying data node 1, then the remaining data nodes, then (optionally) the compute nodes. (Because the instance configured as data node 1 must be running before the other data nodes can be configured, you must ensure that this instance is deployed and successfully started before other instances are deployed.) You can also automatically deploy a cluster of data nodes (optionally mirrored) using a single merge file if the deployment hosts have names ending in the regular expression you specify; following deployment of the data nodes, you can optionally deploy compute nodes using a separate merge file.

The IKO, described above, incorporates the configuration merge feature.

For information about using configuration merge in general and to deploy sharded clusters in particular, see Automating Configuration of InterSystems IRIS with Configuration MergeOpens in a new tab.

Plan Data Nodes

Depending on the anticipated working set of the sharded data you intend to store on the cluster and the nature of the queries you will run against it, as few as four data nodes may be appropriate for your cluster. You can always add data nodes to an existing cluster and rebalance the sharded data (see Add Data Nodes and Rebalance Data), so erring on the conservative side is reasonable.

A good basic method for an initial estimate of the ideal number of data nodes needed for a production configuration (subject to resource limitations) is to calculate the total amount of database cache needed for the cluster and then determine which combination of server count and memory per server is optimal in achieving that, given your circumstances and resource availability. This is not unlike the usual sizing process, except that it involves dividing the resources required across multiple systems. (For an important discussion of performance planning, including memory management and scaling, CPU sizing and scaling, and other considerations, see System Resource Planning and Management.)

The size of the database cache required starts with your estimation of the total amount of sharded data you anticipate storing on the cluster, and of the amount of nonsharded data on the cluster that will be frequently joined with sharded data. You can then use these totals to estimate the working sets for both sharded data and frequently joined nonsharded data, which added together represent the total database caching capacity needed for all the data nodes in the cluster. This calculation is detailed in Planning an InterSystems IRIS Sharded Cluster.

Considering all your options regarding both number of nodes and memory per node, you can then configure enough data nodes so that the database cache (global buffer pool) on each data node equals, or comes close to equalling, its share of that capacity. Under many scenarios, you will be able to roughly determine the number of data nodes to start with simply by dividing the total cache size required by the memory capacity of the systems you available to deploy as cluster nodes.

All data nodes in a sharded cluster should have identical or at least closely comparable specifications and resources; parallel query processing is only as fast as the slowest data node. In addition, the configuration of all InterSystems IRIS instances in the cluster should be consistent; database settings such as collation and those SQL settings configured at instance level (default date format, for example) should be the same on all nodes to ensure correct SQL query results. Standardized procedures and the available automated deployment methods for sharded clusters can help ensure this consistency.

Because applications can connect to any data node's cluster namespace and experience the full dataset as if it were local, the general recommended best practice is to load balance application connections across all of the data nodes in a cluster. The IKO can automatically provision and configure a load balancer for the data nodes as needed under typical scenarios; if deploying a sharded cluster by other means, a load balancing mechanism is required. For an important discussion of load balancing a web server tier distributing application connections across data nodes, see Load Balancing, Failover, and Mirrored ConfigurationsOpens in a new tab in the Web Gateway guide.

Estimate the Database Cache and Database Sizes

Before deploying your sharded cluster, determine the size of the database cache to be allocated on each data node. It is also useful to know the expected size of the data volume needed for the default globals database on each data node, so you can ensure that there is enough free space for expected growth.

When you deploy a sharded cluster using an automated deployment method, you can specify these settings as part of deployment. When you deploy manually using the Sharding API or the Management Portal, you can specify database cache size of each instance before configuring the sharded cluster, and specify database settings in your calls. Both manual deployment methods provide default settings.

Bear in mind that the sizes below are guidelines, not requirements, and that your estimates for these numbers are likely to be adjusted in practice.

Database Cache Sizes

As described in Planning an InterSystems IRIS Sharded Cluster, the amount of memory that should ideally be allocated to the database cache on a data node is that node’s share of the total of the expected sharded data working set, plus the overall expected working set of nonsharded data frequently joined to sharded data.

Globals Database Sizes

As described in Planning an InterSystems IRIS Sharded Cluster, the target sizes of the default globals databases are as follows:

  • For the cluster namespace — Each server’s share of the total size of the sharded data, according to the calculation described in that section, plus a margin for greater than expected growth.

  • For the master namespace on node 1 — The total size of nonsharded data, plus a margin for greater than expected growth.

All deployment methods configure the sizes of these databases by default, so there is no need for you to do so. However, you should ensure that the storage on which these databases are located can accommodate their target sizes.

Provision or Identify the Infrastructure

Provision or identify the needed number of networked host systems (physical, virtual, or cloud) — one host for each data node.


All data nodes in a sharded cluster should have identical or at least closely comparable specifications and resources; parallel query processing is only as fast as the slowest data node. (The same is true of compute nodes, although storage is not a consideration in their case.)

The recommended best practice is to load balance application connections across all of the data nodes in a cluster.

To maximize the performance of the cluster, it is a best practice to maximize network throughput by configuring low-latency network connections between all of the data nodes, for example by locating them on the same subnet in the same data center or availability zone. This procedure assumes that the data nodes are mutually accessible through TCP/IP, with a recommended minimum network bandwidth of 1 GB between all nodes and preferred bandwidth of 10 GB or more, if available.

Deploy InterSystems IRIS on the Data Node Hosts

This procedure assumes that each system hosts or will host a single InterSystems IRIS instance. You can configure existing instances instead of newly deployed instances in the final step, as long as each instance and its host meet the requirements described in this step.


All InterSystems IRIS instances in a sharded cluster must be of the same version, and all must have sharding licenses.

All instances should have their database directories and journal directories located on separate storage devices, if possible. This is particularly important when high volume data ingestion is concurrent with running queries. For guidelines for file system and storage configuration, including journal storage, see Storage Planning and File System Separation in System Resource Planning and Management and Journaling Best Practices in the Data Integrity Guide.

The configuration of all InterSystems IRIS instances in the cluster should be consistent; database settings such as collation and those SQL settings configured at the instance level (default date format, for example) should be the same on all nodes to ensure correct SQL query results.

On each host system, do the following:

  1. Deploy an instance of InterSystems IRIS, either by creating a container from an InterSystems-provided image (as described in Running InterSystems Products in ContainersOpens in a new tab) or by installing InterSystems IRIS from a kit (as described in the Installation GuideOpens in a new tab).

  2. Ensure that the storage device hosting the instance’s databases is large enough to accommodate the target globals database size, as described in Estimate the Database Cache and Database Sizes.

  3. Allocate the database cache (global buffer pool) for the instance according to the size you determined in Estimate the Database Cache and Database Sizes. For the Management Portal procedure for allocating the database cache, see Memory and Startup SettingsOpens in a new tab in the “Configuring InterSystems IRIS” chapter of the System Administration Guide; you can also allocate the cache using the globals parameter, either by editing the instance’s configuration parameter file (CPF) or, on UNIX® and Linux platforms, deploying the instance with the desired value using a configuration merge fileOpens in a new tab.

    In some cases, it may also be advisable to increase the size of the shared memory heap on the cluster members. The shared memory heap can be configured either using the Management Portal, as described for the gmheap parameter in the Configuration Parameter File Reference, or in the instance’s CPF file using gmheap, as described above for globals.


    For general guidelines for estimating the memory required for an InterSystems IRIS instance’s routine and database caches as well as the shared memory heap, see Estimating Memory Requirements.

Finally, configure the deployed instances as a sharded cluster using either the Management Portal (the next section) or the %SYSTEM.Cluster API (the one after that).

Configure the Cluster Using the Management Portal

Once you have completed the first four steps (planning the data nodes, estimating the database cache and database sizes, provisioning or identifying the infrastructure, and deploying InterSystems IRIS on the data node hosts), use this procedure to configure the instances you deployed (or the existing instances you prepared) in the previous step as a basic InterSystems IRIS sharded cluster of data nodes using the Management Portal.

Configure each node in the cluster using the following steps.

  1. Configure node 1

  2. Configure the remaining data nodes

For information about opening the Management Portal in your browser, see the instructions for an instance deployed in a containerOpens in a new tab or one installed from a kitOpens in a new tab in the InterSystems IRIS Connection InformationOpens in a new tab section of InterSystems IRIS Basics: Connecting an IDE.

Following the procedure, other Management Portal sharded cluster options are briefly discussed.

Configure Data Node 1

A sharded cluster is initialized when you configure the first data node, which is referred to as data node 1, or simply node 1. This data node differs from the others in that it stores the cluster’s nonsharded data, metadata, and code, and hosts the master namespace that provides all of the data nodes with access to that data. This distinction is completely transparent to the user except for the fact that more data is stored on the first data node, a difference that is typically small.

Once you have completed the first four steps (planning the data nodes, estimating the database cache and database sizes, provisioning or identifying the infrastructure, and deploying InterSystems IRIS on the data node hosts), use this procedure to configure the instances you deployed (or the existing instances you prepared) in the previous step as a basic InterSystems IRIS sharded cluster of data nodes using the Management Portal.

To configure node 1, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Management Portal for the instance, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Sharding > Enable Sharding, and on the dialog that displays, click OK. (The value of the Maximum Number of ECP Connections setting need not be changed as the default is appropriate for virtually all clusters.)

  2. Restart the instance. (There is no need to close the browser window or tab containing the Management Portal; you can simply reload it after the instance has fully restarted.)

  3. Navigate to the Configure Node-Level page (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Sharding > Configure Node-Level) and click the Configure button.

  4. On the CONFIGURE NODE-LEVEL CLUSTER dialog, select Initialize a new sharded cluster on this instance and respond to the prompts that display as follows:

    • Select a Cluster namespace and Master namespace from the respective drop-downs, which both include

      • The default names (IRISCLUSTER and IRISDM) of new namespaces to be created, along with their default globals databases.

      • All eligible existing namespaces.

      Initializing a sharded cluster creates by default cluster and master namespaces named IRISCLUSTER and IRISDM, respectively, as well as their default globals databases and the needed mappings. However, to control the names of the cluster and master namespaces and the characteristics of their globals databases, you can create one or both namespaces and their default databases before configuring the cluster, then specify them during the procedure. For example, given the considerations discussed in Globals Database Sizes, you may want to do this to control the characteristics of the default globals database of the cluster namespace, or shard database, which is replicated on all data nodes in the cluster.


      If the default globals database of an existing namespace you specify as the cluster namespace contains any globals or routines, initialization will fail with an error.

    • In some cases, the hostname known to InterSystems IRIS does not resolve to an appropriate address, or no hostname is available. If for this or any other reason, you want other cluster nodes to communicate with this node using its IP address instead, enter the IP address at the Override hostname prompt.

    • Do not select Enable Mirroring; the procedure for deploying a mirrored sharded cluster is provided in Mirror for High Availability

  5. Click OK to return to the Configure Node-Level page, which now includes two tabs, Shards and Sharded Tables. Node 1 is listed under Shards, including its cluster address (which you will need in the next procedure), so you may want to leave the Management Portal for node 1 open on the Configure Node-Level page, for reference. Click Verify Shards to verify that node 1 is correctly configured.

Configure the Remaining Data Nodes

Once node 1 has been configured, configure each additional data node using these steps:

  1. Open the Management Portal for the instance, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Sharding > Enable Sharding, and on the dialog that displays, click OK. (The value of the Maximum Number of ECP Connections setting need not be changed as the default is appropriate for virtually all clusters.)

  2. Restart the instance. (There is no need to close the browser window or tab containing the Management Portal; you can simply reload it after the instance has fully restarted.)

  3. Navigate to the Configure Node-Level page (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Sharding > Configure Node-Level) and click the Configure button.

  4. On the CONFIGURE NODE-LEVEL CLUSTER dialog, select Add this instance to an existing sharded cluster and respond to the prompts that display as follows:

    • Enter the cluster URL, which is the address displayed for node 1 on the Shards tab of the Configure Node-Level page (as described in the previous procedure). The cluster URL consists of the node 1 host’s identifier — either hostname or IP address (if you provided the IP address in the previous procedure) — plus the InterSystems IRIS instance’s superserver port and the name of the cluster namespace, for example (The name of the cluster namespace can be omitted if it is the default IRISCLUSTER.)


      From the perspective of another node (which is what you need in this procedure), the superserver port of a containerized InterSystems IRIS instance depends on which host port the superserver port was published or exposed as when the container was created. For details on and examples of this, see Running an InterSystems IRIS Container with Durable %SYSOpens in a new tab and Running an InterSystems IRIS Container: Docker Compose ExampleOpens in a new tab in Running InterSystems Products in Containers and Container networkingOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation.

      The default superserver port number of a kit-installed InterSystems IRIS instance that is the only such on its host is 1972; when multiple instances are installed, superserver port numbers range from 51776 upwards. To see or change an the instance’s superserver port number, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Memory and Startup in the instance’s Management Portal.

    • Select data at the Role prompt to configure the instance as a data node.

    • In some cases, the hostname known to InterSystems IRIS does not resolve to an appropriate address, or no hostname is available. If for this or any other reason, you want other cluster nodes to communicate with this node using its IP address instead, enter the IP address at the Override hostname prompt.

    • Do not select Mirrored cluster; the procedure for deploying a mirrored sharded cluster is provided in Mirror for High Availability

  5. Click OK to return to the Configure Node-Level page, which now includes two tabs, Shards and Sharded Tables. The data nodes you have configured so far are listed under Shards, starting with node 1. Click Verify Shards to verify that the data node is correctly configured and can communicate with the others.


    If you have many data nodes to configure, you can make the verification operation automatic by clicking the Advanced Settings button and selecting Automatically verify shards on assignment on the ADVANCED SETTINGS dialog. Other settings in this dialog should be left at the defaults when you deploy a sharded cluster.

Management Portal Sharding Options

Use the Rebalance button to display the REBALANCE dialog, which lets you redistribute sharded data evenly across all data nodes, including those recently added to an existing cluster. (You cannot query sharded tables while a rebalancing operation is running.) For details about rebalancing data, see Add Data Dodes and Rebalance Data.

The ADVANCED SETTINGS dialog, which you can display by clicking the Advanced Settings button on the Configure Node-Level page, provides the following options:

The Sharded Tables tab on the Configure Node-Level page display information about all of the sharded tables on the cluster.

Configure the Cluster Using the %SYSTEM.Cluster API

Use the following procedure to configure the instances you deployed (or the existing instances you prepared) in the previous step as a basic InterSystems IRIS sharded cluster of data nodes using the %SYSTEM.Cluster API. You will probably find it useful to refer to the %SYSTEM.Cluster class documentationOpens in a new tab in the InterSystems Class Reference. (As with all classes in the %SYSTEM package, the %SYSTEM.ClusterOpens in a new tab methods are also available through $SYSTEM.Cluster.)

Configure each node in the cluster using the following steps:

  1. Configure node 1

  2. Configure the remaining data nodes

Configure Node 1

A sharded cluster is initialized when you configure the first data node, which is referred to as data node 1, or simply node 1. This data node differs from the others in that it stores the cluster’s nonsharded data, metadata, and code, and hosts the master namespace that provides all of the data nodes with access to that data. This distinction is completely transparent to the user except for the fact that more data is stored on the first data node, a difference that is typically small.

To configure node 1, open the InterSystems TerminalOpens in a new tab for the instance and call the $SYSTEM.Cluster.Initialize()Opens in a new tab method, for example:

set status = $SYSTEM.Cluster.Initialize()

To see the return value (for example, 1 for success) for the each API call detailed in these instructions, enter:

zw status

Reviewing status after each call is a good general practice, as a call might fail silently under some circumstances. If a call does not succeed (status is not 1), display the user-friendly error message by entering:

do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(status) 

The Initialize() call creates the master and cluster namespaces (IRISDM and IRISCLUSTER, respectively) and their default globals databases, and adds the needed mappings. Node 1 serves as a template for the rest of the cluster; the name of the cluster namespace, the characteristics of its default globals database (also called the shard database), and its mappings are directly replicated on the second data node you configure, and then directly or indirectly on all other data nodes. The SQL configuration settings of the instance are replicated as well.

To control the names of the cluster and master namespaces and the characteristics of their globals databases, you can specify existing namespaces as the cluster namespace, master namespace, or both by including one or both names as arguments. For example:

set status = $SYSTEM.Cluster.Initialize("CLUSTER","MASTER",,)

When you do this, the existing default globals database of each namespace you specify remains in place. This allows you to control the characteristics of the shard database, which are then replicated on other data nodes in the cluster.


If the default globals database of an existing namespace you specify as the cluster namespace contains any globals or routines, initialization will fail with an error.

By default, any host can become a cluster node; the third argument to Initialize() lets you specify which hosts can join the cluster by providing a comma-separated list of IP addresses or hostnames. Any node not in the list cannot join the cluster.

In some cases, the hostname known to InterSystems IRIS does not resolve to an appropriate address, or no hostname is available. If for this or any other reason, you want other cluster nodes to communicate with this node using its IP address instead, include the IP address as the fourth argument. (You cannot supply a hostname as this argument, only an IP address.) In either case, you will use the host identifier (hostname or IP address) to identify node 1 when configuring the second data node; you will also need the superserver (TCP) port of the instance.


From the perspective of another node (which is what you need in this procedure), the superserver port of a containerized InterSystems IRIS instance depends on which host port the superserver port was published or exposed as when the container was created. For details on and examples of this, see Running an InterSystems IRIS Container with Durable %SYSOpens in a new tab and Running an InterSystems IRIS Container: Docker Compose ExampleOpens in a new tab in Running InterSystems Products in Containers and Container networkingOpens in a new tab in the Docker documentation.

The default superserver port number of a kit-installed InterSystems IRIS instance that is the only such on its host is 1972. To see or set the instance’s superserver port number, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Memory and Startup in the instance’s Management Portal. (For information about opening the Management Portal in your browser, see the instructions for an instance deployed in a containerOpens in a new tab or one installed from a kitOpens in a new tab in the InterSystems IRIS Connection InformationOpens in a new tab section of InterSystems IRIS Basics: Connecting an IDE.)

The Initialize() method returns an error if the InterSystems IRIS instance is already a node in a sharded cluster, or is a mirror member.

Configure the Remaining Data Nodes

To configure each additional data node, open the TerminalOpens in a new tab for the InterSystems IRIS instance and call the $SYSTEM.Cluster.AttachAsDataNode()Opens in a new tab method, specifying the hostname of an existing cluster node (node 1, if you are configuring the second node) and the superserver port of its InterSystems IRIS instance, for example:

set status = $SYSTEM.Cluster.AttachAsDataNode("IRIS://datanode1:1972")

If you supplied an IP address as the fourth argument to Initialize() when initializing node 1, use the IP address instead of the hostname to identify node 1 in the first argument, for example:

set status = $SYSTEM.Cluster.AttachAsDataNode("IRIS://")

For important information about determining the correct superserver port to specify, see the previous step, Configure Node 1.

The AttachAsDataNode() call does the following:

  • Creates the cluster namespace and shard database, configuring them to match the settings on the template node (specified in the first argument), as described in Configure Node 1, and creating the needed mappings, including those to the globals and routines databases of the master namespace on node 1 (including any user-defined mappings).

  • Sets all SQL configuration optionsOpens in a new tab to match the template node.

  • Because this node may later be used as the template node for AttachAsDataNode(), sets the list of hosts eligible to join the cluster to those you specified (if any) in the Initialize() call on node 1.


If a namespace of the same name as the cluster namespace on the template node exists on the new data node, it and its globals database are used as the cluster namespace and shard database, and only the mappings are replicated. If the new node is subsequently used as the template node, the characteristics of these existing elements are replicated.

The AttachAsDataNode() call returns an error if the InterSystems IRIS instance is already a node in a sharded cluster or is a mirror member, or if the template node specified in the first argument is a mirror member.

As noted in the previous step, the hostname known to InterSystems IRIS may not resolve to an appropriate address, or no hostname is available. To have other cluster nodes communicate with this node using its IP address instead, include the IP address as the second argument. (You cannot supply a hostname as this argument, only an IP address.)

When you have configured all of the data nodes, you can call the $SYSTEM.Cluster.ListNodes()Opens in a new tab method to list them, for example:

set status = $system.Cluster.ListNodes()
NodeId  NodeType    Host          Port
1       Data        datanode1     1972
2       Data        datanode2     1972
3       Data        datanode3     1972

As shown, data nodes are assigned numeric IDs representing the order in which they are attached to the cluster.

The recommended best practice is to load balance application connections across all of the data nodes in a cluster.

For information about adding compute nodes to your cluster, see Deploy Compute Nodes for Workload Separation and Increased Query Throughput.

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