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IPv6 Support

IPv6 Support

You can enable or disable the use of IPv6 addresses in InterSystems IRIS by navigating to the Startup Settings page (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Startup) page; in the IPv6 row, click Edit. Select IPv6 to enable this option.


This option is visible only if the network to which this InterSystems IRIS instance is connected permits IPv6 addressing.

When IPv6 is enabled, InterSystems IRIS accepts IPv6 addresses, IPv4 addresses, or DNS forms of addressing (host names, with or without domain qualifiers); when IPv6 is disabled, InterSystems IRIS accepts only IPv4 addresses or DNS forms of addressing.

When dotted-decimal IPv4 addresses (for example, are specified, an IPv4 connection is attempted; when colon-separated IPv6 addresses (for example, 2001:fecd:ba23:cd1f:dcb1:1010:9234:4085) are specified, an IPv6 connection is attempted. When a DNS name (for example, is specified, it resolves to an actual IP address: first, it attempts to make an IPv4 connection; then, if an IPv4 connection cannot be made, it attempts an IPv6 connection.

InterSystems IRIS allows Internet addresses to be supplied in DNS, IPv4 and IPv6 formats. For example, localhost,, and ::1 are representations of the loopback address in each format, respectively. Detailed information about IPv6 addressing can be found in the following Internet Engineering Task Force documents:

IPv6 addressing can also be checked and controlled using the IPv6FormatOpens in a new tab method of the %SYSTEM.ProcessOpens in a new tab class (for the current process) or the IPv6Opens in a new tab method of the Config.StartupOpens in a new tab class (for the system generally).

Even though an InterSystems IRIS instance may be using an IPv4 network, IPv6 addresses can still be used as input to the various services provided that the IPv6 address supplied has a valid IPv4 equivalent. The loopback address used earlier in this section is such an example; RFC 4291 describes several more formats. Thus, the various InterSystems services will accept either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses without error as long as the address form given can be validly converted for use on the connected network. So all of these forms (and several more) are acceptable

  • localhost (DNS)

  • (IPv4)

  • ::FFFF: (IPv4 mapped IPv6 format)

  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (full IPV6)

  • ::1 (compressed IPv6)

as valid representations of the loopback address.

Generally, when asked for an Internet address that has been supplied to an InterSystems service earlier, InterSystems IRIS does not alter the address format. Addresses supplied in IPv4, or IPv6 format are returned as IPv4 or IPv6, respectively. The only exception is that addresses supplied as host names and translated by the Domain Name Server (DNS) may be returned in whatever form the DNS returns.


InterSystems IRIS does not support the use of wildcard characters or ranges in IPv6 addresses.

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