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Class Queries

Class Queries

An InterSystems IRIS class can contain class queries. A class query defines an SQL query that can be used by the class and specifies a class to use as a container for the query. The following shows an example:

Query QueryName(Parameter As %String) As %SQLQuery
SELECT MyProperty, MyOtherProperty FROM MyClass
 WHERE (MyProperty = "Hello" AND MyOtherProperty = :Parameter)
 ORDER BY MyProperty

You define class queries to provide predefined lookups for use in your application. For example, you can look up instances by some property, such as by name, or provide a list of instances that meet a particular set of conditions, such as all the flights from Paris to Madrid. The example shown here uses a parameter, which is a common way to provide a flexible query. Note that you can define class queries within any class; there is no requirement to include class queries within persistent classes.

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