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Class Parameters

Class Parameters

A class parameter defines a value that is the same for all objects of a given class. With rare exceptions, this value is established when the class is compiled and cannot be altered at runtime. You use class parameters for the following purposes:

  • To define a value that cannot be changed at runtime.

  • To define user-specific information about a class definition. A class parameter is simply an arbitrary name-value pair; you can use it to store any information you like about a class.

  • To customize the behavior of the various data type classes (such as providing validation information) when used as properties; this is discussed in the next section.

  • To provide parameterized values for method generator methods to use.

You can define parameters in an InterSystems IRIS class that contains ObjectScript methods, Python methods, or a combination of the two. The following shows a class with several parameters:

Class GSOP.DivideWS Extends %SOAP.WebService


///  Name of the Web service.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "Divide";

///  SOAP namespace for the Web service
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

/// let this Web service understand only SOAP 1.2
Parameter SOAPVERSION = "1.2";

 ///further details omitted

Class parameters can also be expressions, which can be evaluated either at compile time or runtime. For more information, see Defining and Referring to Class Parameters.

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