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How %Populate Works

How %Populate Works

This section describes how %PopulateOpens in a new tab works internally. The %PopulateOpens in a new tab class contains two method generators: Populate() and PopulateSerial(). Each persistent or serial class inheriting from %PopulateOpens in a new tab has one or the other of these two methods included in it (as appropriate).

We will describe only the Populate method here. The Populate() method is a loop, which is repeated for each of the requested number of objects.

Inside the loop, the code:

  1. Creates a new object

  2. Sets values for its properties

  3. Saves and closes the object

A simple property with no overriding POPSPEC parameter has a value generated using code with the form:

 Set obj.Description = ##class(%PopulateUtils).String(50)

While using a library method from %PopulateUtilsOpens in a new tab via a Name:Name() specification would generate:

 Set obj.Name = ##class(%PopulateUtils).Name()

An embedded Home property might create code like:

 Do obj.HomeSetObject(obj.Home.PopulateSerial())

The generator loops through all the properties of the class, and creates code for some of the properties, as follows:

  1. It checks if the property is private, is calculated, is multidimensional, or has an initial expression. If any of these are true, the generator exits.

  2. If the property is has a POPSPEC override, the generator uses that and then exits.

  3. If the property is a reference, on the first time through the loop, the generator builds a list of random IDs, takes one from the list, and then exits. For the subsequent passes, the generator simply takes an ID from the list and then exits.

  4. If the property name is one of the specially handled names, the generator then uses the corresponding library method and then exits.

  5. If the generator can generate code based on the property type, it does so and then exits.

  6. Otherwise, the generator sets the property to an empty string.

Refer to the %PopulateUtilsOpens in a new tab class for a list of available methods.

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