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Specifying the Internet Media Type and Character Encoding

Specifying the Internet Media Type and Character Encoding

You can use the following properties to specify the Internet media typeOpens in a new tab (also called MIME type) and character encoding in your instance of %Net.HttpRequestOpens in a new tab and its response:

  • ContentType specifies the Content-Type header, which specifies the Internet media type of the request body. The default type is none.

    Possible values include application/json, application/pdf, application/postscript, image/jpeg, image/png, multipart/form-data, text/html, text/plain, text/xml, and many others. For an extensive list, see in a new tab.

  • The ContentCharset property controls the desired character set for any content of the request if the content is of type text (text/html or text/xml for example). If you do not specify this property, InterSystems IRIS uses the default encoding of the InterSystems IRIS server.


    If you set this property, you must first set the ContentType property.

  • The NoDefaultContentCharset property controls whether to include an explicit character set for content of type text if you have not set the ContentCharset property. By default, this property is false.

    If this property is true, then if you have content of type text and if you have not set the ContentCharset property, no character set is included in the content type; this means that the character set iso-8859–1 is used for the output of the message.

  • The WriteRawMode property affects the entity body (if included). It controls how the body of the request is written. By default, this property is false and InterSystems IRIS writes the body in the encoding that is specified in the request headers. If this property is true, InterSystems IRIS writes the body in RAW mode (performing no translation of the character set).

  • The ReadRawMode property controls how the body of the response is read. By default, this property is false and InterSystems IRIS assumes that the body is in the character set specified in the response headers. If this property is true, InterSystems IRIS reads the body in RAW mode (performing no translation of the character set).

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