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How ^%IS Works

How ^%IS Works

Device Prompt

When you call the ^%IS utility, InterSystems IRIS prompts for a device name. You respond in one of the following ways:

  • Enter the desired device name or ID number.

  • Enter a mnemonic for the device.

  • Press Enter to select the current device.

^%IS responds as follows:

  • If you enter a device mnemonic, ^%IS finds the corresponding device in the ^%IS global and opens it.

  • If you enter a device name, ^%IS issues an OPEN command to that device.

  • If the device is an InterSystems IRIS device ID, ^%IS checks the device table to see if that number is remapped to another actual device number. ^%IS then issues an OPEN for the device.

See the discussion “Alternate Devices” that is part of ^%IS Mnemonics section below for information about using alternate devices.

Additional Questions

If the device you specify is a terminal, the utility prompts you with a default right margin. Press Enter to select that margin or type a different value. If a program later attempts to write past the specified right margin, the operating system inserts a “CR LF” (carriage return and line feed) when the margin is reached. If you select a device other than a terminal, the utility asks other types of secondary questions.


In the following example, the user presses Enter to specify the terminal. The utility prompts for a right margin, suggesting a default value of 80. At the => prompt the user enters 132 as the new margin setting.

Device: <RETURN>
Right margin: 80 => 132

^%IS Sets the Variable IO and Returns Values of Other Variables

When you select a device, ^%IS sets the variable IO to the device name or number used in the OPEN command. ^%IS also returns the values of the variables listed in the following table:

^%IS Device Variable Values
Variable Example Description
%ANS Yes Generic dialog answer.
IO 64 Device number or device mnemonic of selected device.
IOF # Form feed. WRITE # issues a form feed and changes $Y. WRITE @IOF should be used to form feed.
IOBS *8 Backspace. WRITE $CHAR(8) issues a backspace and changes $X. WRITE *8 issues a backspace but does not change $X. WRITE @IOBS should be used to backspace.
IOM 80 Right margin.
IOSL 66 Screen/page length.
IOT TRM Device type.
IOST C-VT220 Device subtype (VT220 in this example).
IOPAR ("auv":0:2048) Any other OPEN parameters.
MSYS M/WNT Type of system (such as UNIX®, Windows).
POP 0 If not zero, specifies that no device was selected. That is, the user entered STOP in response to Device: prompt.
RMSDF RW Read/Write permissions.

OPEN Parameters

By default, the OPEN command uses the specifications for the device defined in the ^%IS global. You can override these settings by specifying other settings when you use ^%IS.

Issue a USE Command

After running ^%IS, the application must issue a USE command to the device opened by ^%IS. You can use the variable IO, as long as you understand that its value changes every time you call ^%IS. Then, subsequent InterSystems IRIS I/O commands, such as READ and WRITE, refer to that device.

Issue a CLOSE Command

The user or application developer must close devices opened with the ^%IS utility.

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