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Mirror Synchronization

Mirror Synchronization

As described in Journaling, journal files contain a time-sequenced record of the changes made to the databases in an InterSystems IRIS instance since the last backup. Within a mirror, the journal data that records a change made to a database on the primary becomes the basis for making that same change to the copy of the database on the backup and asyncs. Mirrored databases are therefore always journaled on the primary, while on the backup and on DR asyncs they are always read only to prevent updates from other sources. Typically they are read-only on reporting asyncs as well.

When data recording global update operations (primarily Set and Kill operations) on mirrored databases is written to the journal on the primary, the journal records are transmitted to other mirror members. Once the journal records are received on the backup or async member, the operations recorded in them are performed on the databases on that member. This process is called dejournaling. (See Managing Database Dejournaling for important information about managing dejournaling on async members.)

Transfer of journal records from the primary to the backup is synchronous, with the primary waiting for acknowledgement from the backup at key points. This keeps the failover members closely synchronized and the backup active, as described in detail in Backup Status and Automatic Failover. An async, in contrast, receives journal data from the primary asynchronously. As a result, an async mirror member may sometimes be a few journal records behind the primary.


When an InterSystems IRIS instance becomes a member of a mirror, the following journaling changes to support mirroring occur:

  • When an InterSystems IRIS instance become the primary failover member in a mirror, the following changes occur:

    • A journal switch is triggered, to a new journal file prefixed with MIRROR-mirror_name, for example MIRROR-MIR21-20180921.001. From that point, all journal files are written as mirror journal files and logged to the mirrorjrn-mirror_name.log, for example mirrorjrn-MIR21.log, as well as to journal.log.

    • The Freeze on error journaling configuration is automatically overridden to freeze all journaled global updates when a journal I/O error occurs, regardless of the current setting. If the current setting is No, behavior reverts to this setting when the instance is no longer a primary failover member. To understand the implications of this, see Configure Journal Settings and Journal I/O Errors.

  • When an instance becomes a backup or async mirror member, mirror journal files received from the primary are written to the configured journal directory along with the local instance’s standard journal files, and a copy of the primary’s mirror journal log (mirrorjrn-mirror_name.log) is created in install-dir\Mgr and continuously updated.

See Journaling for general information about journaling.

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