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Sample Line-by-line Summary Report

Sample Line-by-line Summary Report

The following is an example of reporting a summary of the minimal metrics of selected journal utilities including the coverage analysis. The report is sent to the monlbl_JRN_summ.txt file, a portion of which is displayed.

Line-by-Line Monitor
1.) Stop Monitor
2.) Pause Monitor
3.) Clear Counters
4.) Report - Detail
5.) Report - Summary
6.) Report - Delimited (CSV) Output
7.) Report - Procedure Level
Enter the number of your choice: 5
Include Coverage Analysis summary (Y/N)? Y
FileName: monlbl_JRN_summ.txt
Press RETURN to continue ...

The report shows each selected routine with a summary of lines, coverage, and time. The routines with the highest coverage percentage appear first in the list.

Routine              Lines   LinesHit    Percent    RtnLine       Time 
JRNOPTS                109         60     55.05%        155  14.172230 
JRNSWTCH               249         58     23.29%         69   0.926131 
JRNDUMP                579        100     17.27%        582  17.265002 
JRNSTART               393         23      5.85%         23   0.005541 
JRNUTIL                872         39      4.47%         39   0.116995 
JRNUTIL2               276          8      2.90%         56   0.006056 
JRNCHECK                18          0      0.00%
JRNCLFOR               416          0      0.00%
JRNCLUREST             193          0      0.00%
JRNCLUREST2            229          0      0.00%
JRNINFO                263          0      0.00%
JRNMARK                195          0      0.00%
JRNRESTB              1315          0      0.00%
JRNRESTC              1245          0      0.00%
JRNRESTC2              540          0      0.00%
JRNRESTCHELP           122          0      0.00%
JRNRESTD               445          0      0.00%
JRNRESTO               859          0      0.00%
JRNROLL                827          0      0.00%
JRNSTAT                 62          0      0.00%
JRNSTOP                119          0      0.00%
JRNWUTL                235          0      0.00%

TOTAL 22 rtns         9561        288      3.01%        924  31.591955

This is the complete sample report.

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