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Sample Line-by-line Detail Report

Sample Line-by-line Detail Report

The following is an example of reporting the detail of the minimal metrics of selected journal utilities including the coverage analysis. The report is sent to the monlbl_JRN_dtl.txt file, a portion of which is displayed.

Line-by-Line Monitor
1.) Stop Monitor
2.) Pause Monitor
3.) Clear Counters
4.) Report - Detail
5.) Report - Summary
6.) Report - Delimited (CSV) Output
7.) Report - Procedure Level
Enter the number of your choice: 4
Include Coverage Analysis summary (Y/N)? y
The following routines have been executed during the run,
and have detail statistics available for them.
Enter list of routines, or * for all
Routine number (*=All)? 1 - JRNDUMP
Routine number (*=All)? 2 - JRNOPTS
Routine number (*=All)? 5 - JRNUTIL
Routine number (*=All)?
FileName: monlbl_JRN_dtl.txt
Press RETURN to continue ...

For each line of the selected routine(s), the report displays a line number, the counts for each metric, and the text of that line of code (if source code is available). If you requested coverage analysis, it displays after each selected routine.

Routine ^JRNDUMP ...

Line    RtnLine       Time  TotalTime
1             0   0          0        JRNDUMP ;dump the contents...
2             0   0          0         /*
85            0   0          0         n (l,usecluster)
86            3   0.000016   0.000016  i +$g(usecluster) d showlistclu(.l) q
87            3   0.000008   0.000008  s diroff=((3+12+1)+10+1)
88            3   0.000072   0.000072  s i="" f  s i=$o(l(i)) q:i=""  d
89           11   0.001542   0.001542  . w /cup(i+3,1),?3,$S($F(l(i),";")...
90           11   0.028125   0.028220  . w ?(3+12+1),l(i,"info"),?diroff...
91           11   0.000378   0.000895  . w $$GJrnPrefix(l(i))
92            3   0.000027   0.000027  q
93            0   0          0        listjrn(f,list,n) ;list at most...
Total       582  17.258963 

Total Lines = 579
Total Lines Hit = 100
Coverage Percentage = 17.27%

This is a partial display of one selected routine.

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