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Report Line-by-line Statistics

Report Line-by-line Statistics

When you choose to report the statistics of the metrics that have been collecting (options 4–7), you then provide information about how you want the routine to report the statistics.

You have four types of reports to choose from:

  • Detail — Generates a report of the selected metrics for each line in the selected routines. The report accumulates and displays totals for each of the performance columns.

  • Summary — Generates a report of summary information for each selected routine including coverage and time. The report orders the routines by coverage percentage.

  • Delimited (CSV) Output — Generates the same report information as the detail report, but presents it as comma-delimited output facilitating its import into a spreadsheet.

  • Procedure Level — Generates a report of selected metrics at a subroutine level within the selected routines. InterSystems IRIS allows you to profile usage at the level of individual subroutines, procedures, and functions. You can quickly see which subroutines are taking up the most time to run to analyze and improve performance.

Depending on which type of report you choose, you select how you want to display the information:

  1. If you choose the detail or summary report, you can also choose if you want to include a coverage analysis for the lines executed in each routine you select. For example:

    Enter the number of your choice: 4
    Include Coverage Analysis summary (Y/N)? y
  2. Next, for all but the summary report, select one or more routines from the list of monitored routines that have statistics available; enter an asterisk (*) for all available routines. For example:

    The following routines have been executed during the run,
    and have detail statistics available for them.
    1) JRNDUMP
    2) JRNOPTS
    5) JRNUTIL
    6) JRNUTIL2
    Enter list of routines, or * for all
    Routine number (*=All)? * - All
  3. If you are entering routine names, after entering the last routine, press Enter again to end the list. For example:

    Enter list of routines, or * for all
    Routine number (*=All)? 1 - JRNDUMP
    Routine number (*=All)? 2 - JRNOPTS
    Routine number (*=All)? 5 - JRNUTIL
    Routine number (*=All)?
  4. You can enter a file name or a full directory path for the output. You can instead enter nothing and press Enter to display the report on your terminal.

    If you enter a file name but not a path, %SYS.MONLBL creates the file in the directory of the current namespace’s default database for globals. For example, if running %SYS.MONLBL in the USER namespace:

    FileName: monlbl_JRN_dtl.txt

    Creates a file for the report in install-dir\mgr\user named monlbl_JRN_dtl.txt.

  5. Press Enter to initiate the reporting of the metrics you are collecting in the format you have chosen.

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