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Estimate Memory Requirements

Estimate Memory Requirements

Before starting the monitoring process you can use this utility to estimate how much memory a collection requires. Typically, there is sufficient shared memory available for monitoring a few routines. However, if you want to monitor hundreds or more routines, use this option to help determine memory needs.

The routine and metrics prompts are identical to those for the Start Monitor choice. After you select the routines to monitor and the metrics to gather, the utility displays the number of pages of memory required to monitor this collection and the number of pages available. It also tells you to increase the size of the generic memory heap parameter if necessary.

You can maintain the gmheap (generic memory heap) setting from the Advanced Memory Settings page of the Management Portal (System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Advanced Memory).

The following is an example that estimates the memory requirements for monitoring eight selected metrics for all routines that begin with JRN:

Enter the number of your choice: 2
Enter routine names to be monitored on a line by line basis.
Patterns using '*' are allowed.
Enter '?L' to see a list of routines already selected.
Press 'Enter' to terminate input.
Routine Name: JRN*                       (22 routines added to selection.)
Routine Name:
Select Metrics to monitor
  1) Monitor Minimal Metrics
  2) Monitor Lines (Coverage)
  3) Monitor Global Metrics
  4) Monitor All Metrics
  5) Customize Monitor Metrics
Enter the number of your choice: <1> 5
Enter metrics item number (press 'Enter' to terminate, ? for list)
Metric#: 1 - GloRef
Metric#: 2 - GloSet
Metric#: 3 - GloKill
Metric#: 25 - JrnEntry
Metric#: 34 - RtnLine
Metric#: 35 - RtnLoad
Metric#: 51 - Time
Metric#: 52 - TotalTime
9 page(s) of memory required.
82 page(s) of memory available.
The GenericHeapSize parameter can be increased if more memory is needed.
Pages are each 64kb of memory.
Press RETURN to continue ...

You may adjust your memory if that is required for your selected collection and then choose to start monitoring from the original menu.

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