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Update Journal Settings Using ^JRNOPTS

Update Journal Settings Using ^JRNOPTS

As an alternative to using the Journal Settings page of the Management Portal, you can update the basic journal configuration settings using the ^JRNOPTS routine or by entering 7 at the Option prompt of the ^JOURNAL menu. To change the setting, type the new value at the prompt and press Enter. For example:

1) Primary Journal Directory: C:\MyIRIS\Mgr\Journal\
2) Alternate Journal Directory: D:\irissys\altjournal\ 
3) Journal File Size Limit (MB) 1024
4) Journal File Prefix: 
5) Journal Purge Options: 2 days OR 2 backups, whichever comes first
6) Compress Journal files: Yes

Entering a question mark (?) displays Help. For example:

Journal File Prefix: ?
  Enter an alphanumeric string ('_' allowed) or . to reset prefix to null

If you change any of the settings, then press Enter at a Change Property? prompt, you are given the option to activate the changes:

Change Property?
Save and activate changes? Yes =>
*** Journal options updated.

If you do not change any settings, you see the following message:

*** Nothing changed

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