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Select Journal Records to Dump

Select Journal Records to Dump

The function SELECT^JRNDUMP lets you display any or all of the records in the journal file. InterSystems IRIS dumps selected records from the journal file, starting from the beginning of the file, based on the arguments passed to the function.

The syntax to use the SELECT entry point of the ^JRNDUMP utility is as follows:

Argument Description
%jfile Journal file name. Default is the current journal file. You must specify the fully qualified path of the journal file.

Process ID in the journal record. Default is any process.

%dir Directory in the journal record. Default is any directory.
%glo Global reference in the journal record. Default is any global.
%gloall Global indicator whether to list entries related to all global nodes containing the name represented by glo: 0 — Exact match of global reference with the name specified in glo, 1 — Partial match; all records with a global reference that contains the name specified in glo. Default is 0.
%operation Operation type of the journal record. Default is any operation. Use the numeric or alphabetic codes listed in the Journal File Operations table.
%remsysid ECP system ID of journal record. Default is any system.1

1 If %pid is specified, then %remsysid defaults to local system (0); otherwise, it defaults to any system, the same as if it is specified as 0. That is, you cannot select journal entries only from the local system.

You may pass the null string for any argument, in which case the routine uses the defaults.

As with other terminal functions, you can use the Device: prompt to direct the output of SELECT^JRNDUMP to a device other than the terminal, or to a file. (See Introduction to I/O for information on user device selection.) If you direct the output to a file, you are prompted for parameters. You must include R and W when writing to a file; if it is an existing file, include A to append output to the existing content rather than overwriting it; if a new file, you must include N. Enter ? at the Parameters? prompt to display all possible choices.


If the file you are overwriting is longer than the current output, the excess lines from the original file may not be removed from the updated file.


The following examples show different ways to select specific journal records.

To select all records in a journal file with the process ID 1203 and send the output to a new file called JRNDUMP.OUT:

%SYS>Do SELECT^JRNDUMP("C:\MyIRIS\mgr\journal\120020507.009","1203")

Parameters: "RWN"=>

To select all records in the journal file that contain the global reference ^ABC:

DO SELECT^JRNDUMP("C:\MyIRIS\mgr\journal\20050327.001","","","^ABC",1)

To select only records that have an exact match to the global reference ^ABC:

DO SELECT^JRNDUMP("C:\MyIRIS\mgr\journal\20050327.001","","","^ABC",0)


Records that are not an exact match, such as ^ABC(1) or ^ABC(100), are not selected.

To select only records for local Set operations of global ^ABC:

DO SELECT^JRNDUMP("C:\MyIRIS\mgr\journal\20050327.001","","","^ABC","","6")

To select only records for local and remote Set operations of global ^ABC:

DO SELECT^JRNDUMP("C:\MyIRIS\mgr\journal\20050327.001","","","^ABC","","s")

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