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Special Considerations for Data Checking

Special Considerations for Data Checking

Review the following special considerations when using DataCheck:

Performance Considerations

While data checking is useful to ensure consistency of databases on multiple systems, it consumes resources on both the source and destination systems. This could negatively impact performance of other processes on either system, depending on load and the configured DataCheck settings. DataCheck includes controls to help you manage performance.

The throttle is an integer between 1 and 10 that controls how much of the available system resources (CPU, disk I/O, database cache) DataCheck may use. The throttle value can be changed at any time, to take effect immediately; for example, the value can be increased during periods when the system load is otherwise expected to be light, and decreased during periods when system load is heavy. This is useful for checks that are expected to run for an extended period of time. (The DataCheck routine can also be stopped during periods of high load; upon being restarted, it automatically resumes at the point in the check at which it was stopped.)

The characteristics of every system are different, but the following general descriptions of throttle values apply:

  • A throttle setting of 1 uses no more resources than one process for performing DataCheck queries. In other words, it uses at most one CPU and executes only one disk I/O at a time. Whether the resources used are primarily CPU or primarily disk I/O depends on whether the data is in buffers already; this can vary as the check progresses.

  • As the throttle is raised up to 8, more system resources are consumed at each step. For systems with large amounts of resources (many CPUs, and so on), each interval is scaled to increase resource consumption by, very roughly, the same multiplicative factor, such that at a throttle setting of 8, DataCheck uses a large portion of system resources, taking into account the number of CPUs and other factors. At a throttle setting of 8, however, the system is still expected to be responsive to a light load of application activity, and settings of 6, 7, or 8 may be appropriate on a typical system at off-peak hours.

  • A throttle setting of 9 is like 8, but allows DataCheck jobs to use the entire buffer pool (unsets the batch flag).

  • A throttle setting of 10 attempts to utilize nearly all system resources for completing the check.

The View Status option on the ^DATACHECK View Details submenu shows performance metrics for the DataCheck worker jobs, helping you understand performance characteristics and how they relate to the throttle setting.

The implementation of the throttle may differ over time as software and hardware characteristics evolve.

The minimum query size represents the minimum number of global nodes allowed to traverse a query; in other words, it determines the minimum size of the range of global nodes to which DataCheck isolates discrepancies. Lower values help locate discrepancies more easily, while higher values significantly improve the speed of the check through unmatched sections. For example, if the minimum query size were set to 1 (not recommended), each discrepant node could be reported as a separate unmatched range, or at least as a range of all unmatched globals, precisely identifying the discrepancies but greatly impacting performance; if the minimum query size were set to 1000 (also not recommended), one or more discrepancies would be reported as a range of at least 1000 unmatched nodes, making it difficult to find them, but the check would be much faster. The default is 32, which is small enough to allow for relatively easy visual inspection of the global nodes in a range using the Management Portal (see the “Managing Globals” chapter of Using Globals) while not greatly impacting performance.

Security Considerations

The destination system stores subscript ranges for globals that it has checked and is checking (results and queries). (See Specifying Globals and Subscript Ranges to Check in this chapter.) This subscript data is stored in the ^SYS.DataCheck* globals in the %SYS namespace (in the IRISSYS database by default). Global values are not stored; only subscripts are stored. These global subscripts from other databases that are stored in the %SYS namespace may contain sensitive information that may not otherwise be visible to some users, depending on the security configuration. Therefore, some special care is needed in secured deployments.

Use of the ^DATACHECK routine, including the ability to configure, start, and stop, requires both %Admin_Operate:Use privilege and Read/Write privilege (Write for configuring a check, Read for all other tasks) on the database containing the ^SYS.DataCheck* globals which, by default, is IRISSYS. The configuration and results data stored in the ^SYS.DataCheck* globals can be viewed and manipulated outside of the routine by anyone with sufficient database privileges.

For any secure deployment in which %DB_IRISSYS:Read privilege is given to users that should not have access to DataCheck data, you can add a global mapping to the %SYS namespace to map ^SYS.DataCheck* globals to a separate database other than IRISSYS. This database can be assigned a new resource name; read permission for the resource can then be restricted to those roles authorized to use DataCheck.

The ability for another destination system to connect to this system as a source is governed by this system's %Service_DataCheck service. This service is disabled by default on new installations and can be configured with a list of allowed IP addresses. For more information, see Enabling the DataCheck Service in this chapter.

For encryption of the communication between the two systems, the destination system can be configured to use TLS to connect to the source. See Configuring the InterSystems IRIS Superserver to Use TLS for details.

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