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Edit/Display List of Directories for Backup Using ^BACKUP

Edit/Display List of Directories for Backup Using ^BACKUP


When editing the database list use the database name, not the directory name. This is consistent with the way the backup configuration works in the Management Portal.

Options of the InterSystems IRIS ^BACKUP utility allow you to backup InterSystems IRIS databases or to restore an already created backup. If you have not created a list of databases, then the utility includes all databases in the backup. When you create a list, it applies to all aspects of the InterSystems IRIS backup system including calls to the entry points of the ^DBACK utility in scripted backups.

The following examples show sample output from each option on the menu:

  1. From the ^BACKUP menu, choose option 4 to display the database backup list maintenance menu:

    1) Backup
    2) Restore ALL
    3) Restore Selected or Renamed Directories
    4) Edit/Display List of Directories for Backups
    5) Abort Backup
    6) Display Backup volume information
    7) Monitor progress of backup or restore
    Option? 4
    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
  2. To add a database to the list choose option 1. This example also uses option 3 to show that the database is added to the current list.

    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 1
    Enter database to add? DATA
    Enter database to add?
    You've selected DATA to be added to the backups
    Are you sure you want to do this (yes/no)? y
    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 3
    The following 3 databases are included in backups
         IRISAUDIT               C:\iris-install\Mgr\irisaudit\
         IRISSYS                 C:\iris-install\Mgr\
         USER                    C:\iris-install\Mgr\User\
  3. To remove a database to the list choose option 2. This example also uses option 3 to show that the database is removed from the current list.

    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 2
    Enter database to remove (^ when done)?  DATA
    Enter database to remove (^ when done)?
    You've removed DATA from the backups
    Are you sure you want to do this? y
    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 3
    The following 3 databases are included in backups
         IRISAUDIT          C:\iris-install\Mgr\irisaudit\
         IRISSYS            C:\iris-install\Mgr\
         USER               C:\iris-install\Mgr\User\
  4. To display a list of all databases in this instance choose option 4:

    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 4
    The following is a list of all databases in the configuration.
    Databases which are part of the backup are marked with (*)
         (*) IRISAUDIT           c:\iris-install\mgr\irisaudit\
             IRISLIB (Read Only) c:\iris-install\mgr\irislib\
             IRISLOCALDATA       c:\iris-install\mgr\irislocaldata\
         (*) IRISSYS             c:\iris-install\mgr\
         (*) USER                c:\iris-install\mgr\user\
  5. To display information about the last full backup choose option 5:

    1) Add a database to the backup
    2) Remove a database from the backup
    3) Show current list of databases included in backups
    4) Show list of available databases
    5) Display last full backup information
    Option? 5
    =====Last Full Backup Information=====
    Date: 19 Jan 2018
    Description: Full backup of all databases that are in the backup database list.
    Device: c:\iris-install\mgr\backup\FullDBList_20180119_001.cbk
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