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Configure Backup Tasks

Configure Backup Tasks

InterSystems IRIS provides different types of backup tasks; each is listed as an item on the Database Backup Settings menu. The configuration backup tasks are:

  • Configure Full Backup of All Databases

  • Configure Full Backup of the Database List

  • Configure Incremental Backup of the Database List

  • Configure Cumulative Backup of the Database List

These are predefined backup tasks that you can run on-demand from the System Operation > Backup page of the portal. You can also schedule combinations of these backup tasks using the Task Manager. See Schedule Backup Tasks for details.

The process for configuring each of these tasks is the same. The Name, Description, and Type fields are read-only and reflect the menu choice as described in the following table.

Backup Task Descriptions
Name Description Type
FullAllDatabases Full backup of all commonly updated databases, whether or not they are in the Backup Database List. Full
FullDBList Full backup of the InterSystems IRIS databases listed in the Backup Database List. Full
IncrementalDBList Incremental backup of changes made to the data since the last backup, whether full or cumulative. Backup is performed on the databases currently listed in the Backup Database List. Incremental
CumuIncrDBList Cumulative and Incremental backup of all changes made to the data since the last full backup. Backup is performed on the databases currently listed in the Backup Database List. Cumulative

To send backup output to a directory on disk, specify the file pathname in the Device field. Click Browse to select a directory.:

Define Database Backup List describes how to maintain the Backup Database List.

Backup File Names

By default, backup files are stored in install-dir\Mgr\Backup. The backup log files are stored in the same directory. Backup files have the suffix .cbk. Backup log files have the suffix .log.

Backup files and backup log files use the same naming conventions:

  • The name of the backup task, followed by an underscore character (_)

  • The date of the backup, in yyyymmdd format, followed by an underscore character (_)

  • The numeric suffix, nnn, of the name of the new journal file following the journal switch triggered when the backup task begins (see Switch Journal Files

  • The .log or .cbk suffix

For example, if the new journal file after the switch triggered by the FullDBList backup task is named 20211031.003, the name of the backup file is FullDBList_20211031_003.cbk and the name of the backup log file is FullDBList_20211031_003.log.

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