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Every message is associated with a specific session. A session marks the beginning and end of all the activities prompted by a primary request message from outside InterSystems IRIS. Sessions are useful to you because they give you an easy way to see sets of related messages; the Management Portal provides an option for visually tracing the messages, and you can filter this display by session.

Each session has a unique numeric SessionID. All messages associated with a session use the same SessionID. InterSystems IRIS assigns these SessionIDs as follows:

  1. The primary request message starts the session. The SessionID is the same as the ID of the primary request message.

  2. Each additional message that is instantiated during this session has the same SessionID as the primary request, but has a unique message ID.

The following shows an example. Note that (unlike the example) the message IDs within a session are unlikely to be sequential in a production that has many business hosts. When creating a new message, InterSystems IRIS always uses the next available integer as the message ID.

Diagram of a session numbered 1025, which contains three messages numbered 1025, 1026, and 1027

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