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The SendSuperSession is a Boolean setting that controls whether the outbound adapter creates a SuperSession header in the HTTP header and assigns an identifier to it. When finding a message, you can use the SuperSession value to match a message in one production with the related message in another production. Within a production, it is easy to track a message as it travels between business services, processes, and operations using the SessionId. But once a message leaves a business operation via an HTTP message and enters a different production, the production receiving the message assigns a new SessionId.

If SendSuperSession is selected, the HTTP outbound adapter does the following:

  1. Check if the message has an empty value in Ens.MessageHeaderBase.SuperSession property. If it does have an empty value, the adapter generates a new value and stores it in the SuperSession property.

  2. Stores the value of the SuperSession property in the private InterSystems.Ensemble.SuperSession HTTP header of the outgoing message.

When an HTTP incoming adapter receives a message, it checks for the SuperSession value in the incoming HTTP message header. If the value is present, it sets the Ens.MessageHeaderBase.SuperSession property. This property is preserved as the message passes from one production component to another.


There are no tools to automate tracking messages between productions using SuperSession.

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