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Basic Validation Options and Logic

Basic Validation Options and Logic

This topic describes the allowed values for the Validation setting and describes how InterSystems IRIS validates a message.

Value Meaning
d Validation examines the DocType property of the document to see if it has a value.
m Validation verifies that the document segment structure is well formed, and that it can be parsed using the schema identified in the DocType property of the document.
dm Both d and m are active.
(a blank string) The business host skips validation and routes all documents. For most virtual document formats, this is the default setting.

The d Validation Flag

If the d flag is present in the Validation string, InterSystems IRIS examines the Schema Category specified in the message (as set by the business service) and compares it with the message DocType. If the Schema Category in the message is blank, the message is automatically declared bad. However, if Schema Category is not blank, but does not match the message DocType, validation can continue, as long as there are more Validation flags defined, such as m.

The m Validation Flag

If the m flag is present in the Validation string, InterSystems IRIS searches for a way to either validate the message, or declare it bad. The details depend upon the virtual document type.

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