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Declaring Actions

Declaring Actions

To declare actions, do either or both of the following tasks in a KPI class:

  • Within the <kpi> element, include one <action> element for each action.

    This element specifies the name of an action available within this KPI class; the user interfaces use this information to create lists of available actions for the users. For example:

    <kpi xmlns=""
     name="Holefoods Actions">
    <action name="ActionA"/>
    <action name="ActionB"/>
    <action name="ActionC"/>

    For information on <action>, see Reference Information for KPI and Plug-in Classes.

  • Override the %OnGetActionList() callback method of your KPI class. This method has the following signature:

    ClassMethod %OnGetActionList(ByRef pActions As %List, pDataSourceName As %String = "") As %Status

    Where pActions is an array with the following nodes:

    Node Value
    pActions Number of actions
    pActions(n) Details for the nth action. This is a $LISTBUILD list that consists of the following items:
    • A string that equals the logical action name

    • A string that equals the corresponding display name

    And pDataSourceName is for future use.

    For example:

    ClassMethod %OnGetActionList(ByRef pActions As %List, pDataSourceName As %String = "") As %Status
        set newaction=$LB("New Action","New Action Display Name")
        set pActions($I(pFilters))=newaction
        quit $$$OK
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