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Order of Members in a Level

Order of Members in a Level

Within a cube definition, a level definition determines the members in that level, as well as their default order, which is as follows:

  • For non-date levels, members are sorted in increasing order alphabetically by name, unless the cube specifies a different sort order.

  • For date levels, members are sorted chronologically, in ascending order or descending order, depending on the definitions in the cube.

The MEMBERS function returns the members in their default order, as defined by the level. For example:

SELECT gend.gender.MEMBERS ON 0, ON 1 FROM demomdx
                              Female                 Male
1 Cedar Falls                      58                   52
2 Centerville                      41                   58
3 Cypress                          51                   61
4 Elm Heights                      53                   65
5 Juniper                          58                   64
6 Magnolia                         58                   56
7 Pine                             64                   57
8 Redwood                          58                   53
9 Spruce                           47                   46

If you have a subset of the members of a level and want to return them to the default order, use the HIERARCHIZE function as in the following example:

SELECT MEASURES.[%COUNT] ON 0, HIERARCHIZE({allerd.eggs,,allerd.mold}) ON 1 FROM demomdx
1 eggs                                   32
2 soy                                    36
3 mold                                   51

For a more thorough introduction to this function, see Working with Sets.

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