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Measures for Another Time Period

Measures for Another Time Period

It is often useful to view the value of a given measure for an earlier time period, while viewing a later time period. As an example, you can define a calculated measure called UnitsSoldPreviousPeriod and use the following value_expression:

([DateOfsale].[Actual].CurrentMember.PrevMember ,MEASURES.[units sold])

Because of how this measure is defined, it is meaningful only if you use the DateOfSale dimension on the other axis of the query. For example:

WITH MEMBER [MEASURES].[UnitsSoldPreviousPeriod] AS 
'([DateOfsale].[Actual].CurrentMember.PrevMember ,MEASURES.[units sold])' 
[DateOfSale].[Actual].[MonthSold].Members ON 1 FROM [HoleFoods]
                          Units Sold           DateOfSale
 1 Jan-2009                        15                    *
 2 Feb-2009                        10                   15
 3 Mar-2009                        13                   10
 4 Apr-2009                        15                   13
 5 May-2009                        22                   15

Notice that the caption of the second column is based on the dimension used within the value expression, rather than the name of the calculated member that we defined. We can use the %LABEL function to provide a more suitable caption. For example:

WITH MEMBER [MEASURES].[UnitsSoldPreviousPeriod] AS 
'([DateOfsale].[Actual].CurrentMember.PrevMember ,MEASURES.[units sold])' 
SELECT {[Measures].[Units Sold],%LABEL([MEASURES].[UNITSSOLDPREVIOUSPERIOD],"Units (Prv Pd)","")} ON 0,
[DateOfSale].[Actual].[MonthSold].Members ON 1 FROM [HoleFoods]
                          Units Sold       Units (Prv Pd)
 1 Jan-2009                        15                    *
 2 Feb-2009                        10                   15
 3 Mar-2009                        13                   10
 4 Apr-2009                        15                   13
 5 May-2009                        22                   15
 6 Jun-2009                        17                   22
 7 Jul-2009                        24                   17
 8 Aug-2009                        30                   24

These examples use a time-based level, because this kind of analysis is common for time levels. You can, however, use the same technique for data levels.

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