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Creating a Web Application

Creating a Web Application

In any scenario (whether you use the JavaScript API or you use the REST services directly), a web application is responsible for handling the requests. You can use the system-defined web application (/api/deepsee) or you can create and use a different web application. The requirements for this web application are as follows:

  • You must place your client file or files within the directory structure served by this web application.

  • You must specify the Dispatch Class option, which specifies how this web application handles REST requests. For Business Intelligence REST requests, use one of the following:

    • %Api.DeepSeeOpens in a new tab — Use this class if your client application must be able to connect to different namespaces. In this case, when you connect to an InterSystems IRIS server, you must specify the namespace to use.

      The system-defined web application (/api/deepsee) uses this dispatch class.

    • %DeepSee.REST.v3Opens in a new tab — Use this class if the REST requests should be tied to a specific namespace (the namespace for the web application).

    The classes %DeepSee.REST.v2Opens in a new tab and %DeepSee.REST.v1Opens in a new tab are also available for use, but are documented only within the class reference.

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