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Running an InterSystems IRIS Container: docker run Examples

Running an InterSystems IRIS Container: docker run Examples

The following are examples of docker run commands for launching InterSystems IRIS containers using iris-main options.

  • As described in License Keys for InterSystems IRIS Containers, the required InterSystems IRIS license key must be brought into the container so that the instance can operate. The example shown below does the following:

    • Publishes the instance’s superserver port (1972) to port 9092 on the host.

    • Includes the needed options for durable %SYS (see Ensuring that Durable %SYS is Specified and Mounted).

    • Uses the iris-main -key option, in which the license key is staged in the key/ directory on the volume mounted for the durable %SYS directory — that is, /data/durable/key/ on the external storage, /dur/key/ inside the container — and is copied to the mgr/ directory within the durable %SYS directory ( /data/durable/iconfig/mgr/ on the external storage, /dur/iconfig/mgr/ in the container) before the InterSystems IRIS instance is started. Because it is in the mgr/ directory, it is automatically activated when the instance starts.

    docker run --name iris11 --detach --publish 9092:1972
      --volume /data/durable:/dur 
      --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/dur/iris_conf.d
      intersystems/iris:latest-em --key /dur/key/iris.key
  • This example adds a configuration merge file staged on the durable data volume, containing settings to be merged into the InterSystems IRIS instance’s CPF (see Automated Deployment of InterSystems IRIS Containers) before it is first started. You might use this, for example, to reconfigure the instance’s primary and alternate journal directories ([Journal]/CurrentDirectory and AlternateDirectory in the CPF), which by default are the same directory within the durable %SYS tree, to be on separate file systems, as described in Separating File Systems for Containerized InterSystems IRIS

    docker run --name iris17 --detach --publish 9092:1972 
      --volume /data/durable:/dur 
      --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/dur/iris_conf.d
      --env ISC_CPF_MERGE_FILE=/dur/merge/merge.cpf intersystems/iris:latest-em 
      --key /dur/key/iris.key 

    The staging directories, in this case both located on the volume mounted for durable %SYS, should be the same, or contain the same licenses.


Because the InterSystems IRIS Community Edition image described in Downloading the InterSystems IRIS Image includes a free temporary license, the --key option should not be used with this image.

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