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Downloading the InterSystems IRIS Image

Downloading the InterSystems IRIS Image

The InterSystems Container Registry (ICR) at in a new tab includes repositories for all images available from InterSystems, including InterSystems IRIS images. Using the InterSystems Container RegistryOpens in a new tab describes the images available from the ICR and explains how to use your WRC credentials to authenticate to the registry so you can download them.


You can also download an InterSystems IRIS Community Edition image, which comes with a free built-in 13-month license (as well as some limitations), from the ICR without authenticating. The Community Edition image is also available on Docker HubOpens in a new tab. For more information, see Deploying InterSystems IRIS Community Edition on Your Own System in Deploy and Explore InterSystems IRIS.

Your organization may already have an InterSystems IRIS image available for your use in its own private image registry; if so, obtain the location and the credentials needed to authenticate from the responsible administrator. Once you are logged in to either the ICR or your organization’s registry, you can use the docker pull command to download the image; the following example shows a pull from the ICR.

$ docker login
Username: pmartinez
Password: **********
$ docker pull
5c939e3a4d10: Pull complete
c63719cdbe7a: Pull complete
19a861ea6baf: Pull complete
651c9d2d6c4f: Pull complete
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                    TAG            IMAGE ID      CREATED      SIZE 2023. 15627fb5cb76  1 minute ago 1.39GB      15627fb5cb76  3 days ago   1.33GB
acme/centos                                   7.3.1611       262f7381844c  2 weeks ago  192MB
acme/hello-world                              latest         05a3bd381fc2  2 months ag  1.84kB


The image tags shown in this document are examples only. Please go to the InterSystems Container RegistryOpens in a new tab (ICR) to browse current repositories and tags.

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