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Contents of the Durable %SYS Directory

Contents of the Durable %SYS Directory

The durable %SYS directory, as created when a container is first started, contains a subset of the InterSystems IRIS install tree, including but not limited to:

  • All databases defined on the instance, beyond the standard InterSystems IRIS databases listed in the first bullet above, that are not read-only. This is to ensure that databases added to the instance in a user-created image based on an InterSystems-supplied image, as described in Creating InterSystems IRIS Images, are included in the durable data. If a database directory is underneath the install directory in the container, for example if it is under /usr/irissys/mgr, it is copied to the corresponding location in the durable %SYS directory. If one or more database directories are not underneath the install directory, a new folder db is created in the install directory and they are copied there.

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