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$LISTSAME (ObjectScript)

Compares two lists and returns a boolean value.




Argument Description
list1 Any expression that evaluates to a list. A list can be created using $LISTBUILD or $LISTFROMSTRING, or extracted from another list using $LIST. The null string ("") is also treated as a valid list.
list2 Any expression that evaluates to a list. A list can be created using $LISTBUILD or $LISTFROMSTRING, or extracted from another list using $LIST. The null string ("") is also treated as a valid list.


$LISTSAME compares the contents of two lists and returns 1 if the lists are identical. If the lists are not identical, $LISTSAME returns 0. $LISTSAME compares list elements using their string representations. $LISTSAME comparisons are case-sensitive.

$LISTSAME compares the two lists element-by-element in left-to-right order. Therefore $LISTSAME returns a value of 0 when it encounters the first non-identical pair of list elements; it does not check subsequent items to determine if they are valid list elements. If a $LISTSAME comparison encounters an invalid item, it issues a <LIST> error.


The following example returns 1, because the two lists are identical:

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("Red","Blue","Green")
   SET y = $LISTBUILD("Red","Blue","Green")

The following example returns 0, because the two lists are not identical:

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("Red","Blue","Yellow")
   SET y = $LISTBUILD("Red","Yellow","Blue")

Identical Lists

$LISTSAME considers two lists to be identical if the string representations of the two lists are identical.

When comparing a numeric list element and a string list element, the string list element must represent the numeric in canonical form; this is because InterSystems IRIS always reduces numerics to canonical form before performing a comparison. In the following example, $LISTSAME compares a string and a numeric. The first three $LISTSAME functions return 1 (identical); the fourth $LISTSAME function returns 0 (not identical) because the string representation is not in canonical form:


$LISTSAME comparison is not the same equivalence test as the one used by other list operations, which test using the internal representation of a list. This distinction is easily seen when comparing a number and a numeric string, as in the following example:

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("365")
   SET y = $LISTBUILD(365)
   IF x=y 
     { WRITE !,"Equal sign: number/numeric string identical" }
   ELSE { WRITE !,"Equal sign: number/numeric string differ" }
   IF 1=$LISTSAME(x,y)
     { WRITE !,"$LISTSAME: number/numeric string identical" }
   ELSE { WRITE !,"$LISTSAME: number/numeric string differ" }  

The equality (=) comparison tests the internal representations of these lists (which are not identical). $LISTSAME performs a string conversion on both lists, compares them, and finds them identical.

The following example shows two lists with various representations of numeric elements. $LISTSAME considers these two lists to be identical:

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("360","361","362","363","364","365","366")
   SET y = $LISTBUILD(00360.000,(19*19),+"362",363,364.0,+365,"3"_"66")
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,y)," lists are identical"

Numeric Maximum

A number larger than 2**63 (9223372036854775810) or smaller than -2**63 (–9223372036854775808) exceeds the maximum numeric range for $LISTSAME list comparison. $LISTSAME returns 0 when such extremely large numbers are compared, as shown in the following example:

  SET bignum=$LISTBUILD(9223372036854775810)
  SET bigstr=$LISTBUILD("9223372036854775810")  
  WRITE $LISTSAME(bignum,bigstr),!
  SET bignum=$LISTBUILD(9223372036854775811)
  SET bigstr=$LISTBUILD("9223372036854775811")
  WRITE $LISTSAME(bignum,bigstr)

Null String and Null List

A list containing the null string (an empty string) as its sole element is a valid list. The null string by itself is also considered a valid list. However these two (a null string and a null list) are not considered identical, as shown in the following example:

   WRITE !,$LISTSAME($LISTBUILD(""),$LISTBUILD(""))," null lists"
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME("","")," null strings"
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME($LISTBUILD(""),"")," null list and null string"

Normally, a string is not a valid $LISTSAME argument, and $LISTSAME issues a <LIST> error. However, the following $LISTSAME comparisons complete successfully and return 0 (values not identical). The null string and the string “abc” are compared and found not to be identical. These null string comparisons do not issue a <LIST> error:

   WRITE !,$LISTSAME("","abc")
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME("abc","")

The following $LISTSAME comparisons do issue a <LIST> error, because a list (even a null list) cannot be compared with a string:

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("")
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME("abc",x)
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,"abc")

Comparing “Empty” Lists

$LISTVALID considers all of the following as valid lists:

  WRITE $LISTVALID($LB(UndefinedVar)),!

$LISTSAME considers only the following pairs as identical:

  WRITE $LISTSAME($LB(),$LB(UndefinedVar)),!
  WRITE $LISTSAME($LB(,),$LB(UndefinedVarA,UndefinedVarB)),!

Empty Elements

A $LISTBUILD can create empty elements by including extra commas between elements or appending one or more commas to either end of the element list. $LISTSAME is aware of empty elements, and does not treat them as equivalent to null string elements.

The following $LISTSAME examples all return 0 (not identical):

  WRITE $LISTSAME($LISTBUILD(365,366,,),$LISTBUILD(365,366,)),!
  WRITE $LISTSAME($LISTBUILD(365,,367),$LISTBUILD(365,"",367)) 

$DOUBLE List Elements

$LISTSAME considers all forms of zero to be identical: 0, –0, $DOUBLE(0), and $DOUBLE(-0).

$LISTSAME considers a $DOUBLE(“NAN”) list element to be identical to another $DOUBLE(“NAN”) list element. However, because NAN (Not A Number) cannot be meaningfully compared using numerical operators, InterSystems IRIS operations (such as equal to, less than, or greater than) that attempt to compare $DOUBLE(“NAN”) to another $DOUBLE(“NAN”) fail, as shown in the following example:

   SET x = $DOUBLE("NAN")
   SET a = $LISTBUILD(1,2,x)
   SET b = $LISTBUILD(1,2,x)
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(a,b)    /* 1 (NAN list elements same) */
   WRITE !,x=x               /* 0 (NAN values not equal)   */

Nested and Concatenated Lists

$LISTSAME does not support nested lists. It cannot compare two lists that contain lists, even if their contents are identical.

   SET x = $LISTBUILD("365")
   SET y = $LISTBUILD(365)
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,y)," lists identical"
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME($LISTBUILD(x),$LISTBUILD(y))," nested lists not identical"

In the following example, both $LISTSAME comparisons returns 0, because these lists are not considered identical:

   SET x=$LISTBUILD("Apple","Pear","Walnut","Pecan")
   SET y=$LISTBUILD("Apple","Pear",$LISTBUILD("Walnut","Pecan"))
   SET z=$LISTBUILD("Apple","Pear","Walnut","Pecan","")
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,y)," nested list"
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,z)," null string is list item"

$LISTSAME does support concatenated lists. The following example returns 1, because the lists are considered identical:

   SET x=$LISTBUILD("Apple","Pear","Walnut","Pecan")
   SET y=$LISTBUILD("Apple","Pear")_$LISTBUILD("Walnut","Pecan")
   WRITE !,$LISTSAME(x,y)," concatenated list"

See Also

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