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Details of the Generated Classes

For reference, this topic provides information on the classes generated by the SOAP Wizard.

Overview of the Generated Classes

The SOAP Wizard generates classes as follows:

  • It generates the web client class, the web service class, or both, according to your selections in the SOAP Wizard. If created, the web client class extends %SOAP.WebClientOpens in a new tab. If created, the web service class extends %SOAP.WebServiceOpens in a new tab.

    In each of these classes, there is one web method for each web method defined in the WSDL. For a web client, the method looks like the following example:

    Method DemoMethod() As %String [ Final, SoapBindingStyle = document, 
    SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
     Quit ..WebMethod("DemoMethod").Invoke($this,"")

    For a web service, the method looks like the following:

    Method DemoMethod() As %String [ Final,  
    SoapAction = "", 
    SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
     // Web Service Method Implementation Goes Here.
  • For each complex type that is used as input or output to a web method, the SOAP wizard generates an XML-enabled class.

  • For each complex type that is a component of the preceding types, the SOAP wizard generates an XML-enabled class.

    The SOAP wizard does this recursively so that the properties of the least complex type are simple datatype properties, which correspond directly to XSD types.

In these classes, the SOAP Wizard specifies the class and method keywords and parameters as needed to specify encoding and binding style, namespace assignment, and other items.

Keywords That Control Encoding and Binding Style

In the generated web client and web service classes, the SOAP Wizard specifies the following keywords, which control the encoding and message style needed to work with the given WSDL:

You should not modify these keywords, because the web client or web service would no longer obey the WSDL. For details on them, see the Class Definition Reference.

Parameters and Keywords That Control Namespace Assignment

In the generated classes, the SOAP wizard uses parameters and keywords to control namespace assignments. The following subsections discuss namespaces for messages and namespaces for types.

You should not modify these values, because the web client or web service would no longer obey the WSDL. For details on SoapNameSpace and SoapTypeNameSpace, see the Class Definition Reference.

Namespaces for the Messages

The SOAP Wizard specifies the following values to control the namespaces used for the SOAP messages:

Namespaces for SOAP Messages Sent by Web Client or Service
Item Value Given by SOAP Wizard
NAMESPACE (class parameter) Namespace of the request messages, if all request messages use the same namespace.
SoapNameSpace (method keyword) Namespace of a given request message, if request messages use different namespaces.
RESPONSENAMESPACE (class parameter) Namespace of the response messages. If this is not specified, the response messages are in the namespace given by the NAMESPACE parameter. Note that the SoapNameSpace keyword has no effect on the namespaces of the response messages.

Namespaces for the Types

The SOAP Wizard automatically assigns the message types to namespaces as follows:

Namespaces for Types Used By Web Clients and Web Services
Item Value Given by SOAP Wizard
TYPENAMESPACE (class parameter) The SOAP Wizard sets this parameter if all methods refer to types in the same namespace.
RESPONSETYPENAMESPACE (class parameter) The SOAP Wizard sets this parameter if the WSDL uses document-style binding and the response messages use types in a different namespace than the request messages. This parameter applies to all methods in the class. Note that all response types are assumed to be in the same namespace as each other.
SoapTypeNameSpace (method keyword) Value of the targetNamespace attribute of the <s:schema> element. The SOAP Wizard sets this keyword per method if methods use types from different namespaces.

This keyword does not override the RESPONSETYPENAMESPACE parameter.

Creation of Array Properties

By default, the SOAP Wizard creates array-type properties in certain scenarios. You can use the Create No Array Properties option to create properties with a different structure if needed.

Specifically, consider a WSDL that includes the following types:

<s:complexType name="Obj">
        <s:element minOccurs="0" name="MyProp" type="test:Array"/>
<s:complexType name="Array">
        <s:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="Item" nillable="true" type="test:Item"/>
<s:complexType name="Item">
        <s:extension base="s:string">
<s:attribute name="Key" type="s:string" use="required"/>

By default, the SOAP Wizard generates the following class:

Class testws.Obj Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)


Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

Parameter XMLNAME = "Obj";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property MyProp As array Of %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLITEMNAME = "Item", 


If you select Create No Array Properties when you use the SOAP Wizard, the property MyProp in generated Obj class is defined as follows instead:

Property MyProp As list Of testws.Item(XMLITEMNAME = "Item", XMLNAME = "MyProp", XMLPROJECTION = "COLLECTION");

This property refers to the following class, which the SOAP Wizard also generates:

Class testws.Item Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor)


Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

Parameter XMLNAME = "Item";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property content As %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLNAME = "content", XMLPROJECTION = "CONTENT");

Property Key As %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLNAME = "Key", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") 
[ Required, SqlFieldName = _Key ];


Additional Notes on Web Methods in the Generated Class

This section contains additional notes on the web methods in the generated web client classes.

  • InterSystems IRIS® data platform ensures that each method name is shorter than the limit on method names and is unique. (For information on the length of method names, see General System Limits,) This means that if the method names in the WSDL are longer than this limit, the names of the generated web methods are not the same as in the WSDL.

    The algorithm used is not documented and is subject to change without notice.

  • If the soapAction attribute equals "" for a given method in the WSDL (which is valid), it is necessary to make one of the following changes to the generated client class so that this method will work:

    • Set the SOAPACTIONQUOTED parameter equal to 1.

    • Edit the web method in the generated client class. Originally it includes the following contents:

         Quit ..WebMethod("HelloWorld").Invoke($this,"")

      Edit this to the following:

         Quit ..WebMethod("HelloWorld").Invoke($this,"""")

    Alternatively, edit the WSDL before generating the web client. If you do so, edit the soapAction attribute to equal """" instead of ""

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